Full text: Technical Commission VII (B7)

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ournal of 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B7, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
M. Huber* *, A. Gruber*, A. Wendleder “, B. Wessel ?, A. Roth *, A. Schmitt? 
* DLR, German Aerospace Center, 82234 Wessling Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany - (martin.huber, astrid.gruber, 
anna.wendleder, birgit.wessel, achim.roth, andreas.schmitt)@dir.de 
KEY WORDS: TanDEM-X, DEM, InSAR, Global, Calibration, Mosaic, Block Adjustment, Validation 
The TanDEM-X mission will derive a global digital elevation model (DEM) with satellite SAR interferometry. Two radar satellites 
(TerraSAR-X and TanDEM-X) will map the Earth in a resolution and accuracy with an absolute height error of 10m and a relative 
height error of 2m for 90% of the data. In order to fulfill the height requirements in general two global coverages are acquired and 
processed. Besides the final TanDEM-X DEM, an intermediate DEM with reduced accuracy is produced after the first coverage is 
completed. The last step in the whole workflow for generating the TanDEM-X DEM is the calibration of remaining systematic 
height errors and the merge of single acquisitions to 1°x1° DEM tiles. In this paper the current status of generating the intermediate 
DEM and first validation results based on GPS tracks, laser scanning DEMs, SRTM data and ICESat points are shown for different 
test sites. 
The final product of the TanDEM-X mission (Krieger et al. 
2007) will be a global digital elevation model (DEM) with an 
absolute height error of 10m and a relative height error of 2m 
for 90% of the data, respectively. For this purpose at least two 
global coverages will be acquired with SAR interferometry. 
Areas with undulated terrain will be also observed from 
ascending and descending orbits, where necessary. 
As a pre-version, the intermediate DEM (IDEM) will be 
produced for selected areas utilizing the first global coverage 
only. Even though the IDEM will not have the final TanDEM-X 
DEM accuracy, it provides a first impression on the prospective 
quality of this product. 
In Chapter 2 the Mosaicking and Calibration Processor which 
stands at the end of the whole workflow for generating the 
TanDEM-X DEM is outlined. Then in Chapter 3 the current 
production status and validation results for different test sites 
and different reference data are shown. Additional product 
layers like height error map, amplitude image, water indication 
mask, coverage map, layover and shadow mask, interpolation 
mask and void mask are presented in Chapter 4. 
Smaller systematic errors in the order of a few meters still 
remain in single acquisitions, although intensive instrument 
calibration and high precision orbit and baseline determination 
are conducted (Hueso et al. 2011). 
Based on these acquisitions, which can be hundreds of 
kilometers long, the Integrated TanDEM-X Processor (ITP) 
generates single interferometric DEMs (Fritz et al. 2008). This 
so-called RawDEMs, having a size of typically 30km by 50km, 
serve as input for the Mosaicking and Calibration Processor 
(MCP). The MCP consists of three components which are 
working independently from each other. 
* Corresponding author. 
2.1 MCP Preparation 
The first MCP component, the DEM Preparation processor, is a 
data-driven process. A first analysis of the RawDEM is 
performed which comprises a height discrepancy detection to a 
reference DEM (e.g. SRTM), a water body detection 
(Wendleder et al. 2012) and the extraction of calibration points 
(Huber et al. 2009, Huber et al. 2010) as input for the DEM 
calibration processor. After interactive quality control the result 
is stored for later processing. 
2.2 MCP Calibration 
The second component, the DEM Calibration Processor, is 
initiated by an operator. A processing request for a dedicated 
region is generated and sent to MCP. During the DEM 
Calibration a block adjustment procedure calculates offsets and 
tilts for each DEM acquisition (Gruber et al. 2009, Wessel et al. 
2009). Therein, the elevation of tie-points in overlapping 
regions and ICESat points collected during MCP preparation 
are used to assure the relative and absolute height accuracy 
requirement. After quality control the correction parameters are 
stored within the annotation information for each RawDEM. 
2.3 MCP Mosaicking 
The third processor, the DEM Mosaicking Processor, is also 
initiated by an operator. A request for a defined region is 
generated and sent to MCP. Then, the DEM layers and 
additional information layers of all RawDEMSs are mosaicked. 
After final quality control the mosaicked DEM is divided into 
DEM product tiles and archived. 

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