Full text: Technical Commission VII (B7)

012 International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B7, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
de e dE Ce A 3.2.2 Test Site Virginia, USA: The second test site consists 
of 7 acquisitions covering an area from North Carolina up to 
Lake Ontario. Figure 6 shows the amplitude mosaick 
superimposed by the color shaded DEM of tile N39W79 and 
the RawDEM outlines (red). Note that RawDEMs with 
insufficient quality, e.g. because of large phase unwrapping 
errors, have to be reprocessed and were not used for IDEM 
The selected DEM tile N39W79 is located in the Appalachian 
Mountains and thus hilly and forested. The coherence in the 
SAR image is generally lower over forested areas. This causes 
noisy DEM values and has also an impact on the quality of 
calibration points. The calculated offsets and tilts are below 4m 
and 3cm/km respectively. 
A high resolution USGS Seamless DEM is available for this 
Um : T. area. The USGS Seamless data is a terrain model and therefore 
: ; T o. > has to be compared with caution to the TanDEM-X DEM, 
Figure 4: Difference between TanDEM-X and SRTM-C which is actually a surface model. This explains the “high” 
tile N49W98, range of values [-10; 10] mean offset of almost 10m (Table 2). However, in areas with 
less vegetation (green areas in Figure 7) the difference is in the 
SEN AS range of about 2m. The comparison to ICESat results in a mean 
pu difference of -3.67m with a standard deviation of 6.68m (Figure 
m 8). The difference to SRTM shows a mean offset of 6.33m and a 
standard deviation of 4.51m (Figure 9). 
bs The relative height accuracy, estimated by calculating the 
absolute differences between neighboring acquisitions, is well 
below 3m (Figure 10). 
irked red, 
Reference Mean Std.dev | LE90 | # points 
[m] [m] [m] 
USGS 9.94 8.20 12.39 all 
E: ICESat -3.67 6.68 10.94 1140 
SRTM 6.33 4.51 6.85 all 
x Neighbor 2.67 2.72 3.00 all 
: Sg QUEE $ æ Table 2: Differences of IDEM tile N39W79 to reference data 
"S on Figure 5: Difference between neighboring acquisitions, (mean, standard deviation, linear 90% point-to-point error, 
98 - area tile N49W98, range of values [0; 3] number of points) 
TundEM-x + Mich. Roc, RofDen 
Figure 7: Difference between DEM tile N39W79 and USGS 
Seamless reference DEM (range of values [-20; 20]) 
4E crus ; E Le 
Sat on Figure 6: Overview test site Virginia. Color shaded DEM of tile 
ES: 5] N39W79 superimposed on amplitude mosaick, RawDEMs 
marked red 

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