Full text: Technical Commission VII (B7)

, 2012 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B7, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
For the rapidly-growing oil spill as is in the Gulf of Mexico, 
the improvement of detection and continuous monitoring are 
the most important issues to effectively plan rapid emergency 
response activities, and lessen its effects. In this context, 
remote sensing technology is being used as an important tool 
for both oil spill detection and monitoring the changes in its 
In this study, testing the generalization ability of ANN MLP 
classifier for oil spill classification and examining the 
capacity of a very new heuristic optimization technique 
(ABC) were aimed. The generalization ability of the classifier 
was tested using a different regional SAR data. While the 
training phase (optimization of model parameters) of the 
ANN was done by using the objects extracted from the 
Lebanon oil spill event, the objects from a different case area, 
Gulf of Mexico, were used in the testing phase. In addition to 
the regional variation, the effect of using different SAR 
sensor (i.e. ALOS PALSAR) was also taken into 
The conclusions are mainly based on the means of the 
producer accuracies computed from 30 different runs. The 
multiple runs are significant for the algorithms initialized 
randomly as in ANN in order to determine the robustness. 
Each run was iterated both 1000 epochs and predetermined 
optimum epochs. The means of the procedure accuracies 
show that the generalization ability of ANN with LM and BP 
for unseen oil data is not good enough. The best results from 
optimum epochs are 41.9% for RADARSAT- 2 and 35.4% 
for ALOS PALSAR. But, ANN with ABC is relatively the 
best algorithm and gave moderate results, i.e. 72.4% for 
RADARSAT-2 and 57.9% for ALOS PALSAR. Although 
LM and BP are the well known algorithms, showing off the 
capacity of the ABC which is the first time used for oil spill 
classification is very important. 
Since the oil slicks imaged with C- and L-band sensors show 
different amounts of dampening under the same imaging 
conditions, this will reduce the effect of look-alikes and false 
positive alarms. The differences in Bragg scattering at 
different microwave bands will allow for development of 
better oil spill detection algorithms. In this paper, 
RADARSAT-2 and ALOS PALSAR data were compared 
showing different performances of the sensors for oil spill 
detection. The results are attractive because the difference 
between RADARSAT-2 and ALOS PALSAR is so evident. 
The reason might be due to the original training data 
extracted from RADARSAT-1 data, i.e. it works in same 
band (C band, whereas ALOS PALSAR works in L band) 
and have similar calibration parameters and similar 
normalized radar cross section values. 
Although results from ANN with ABC are significant enough 
for oil data, since look-alike data is absent, which is the main 
drawback of the study, it cannot be easily concluded that 
ANN with ABC method could be effectively used in a semi- 
automatic determination process of any oil spill data. 
The authors would like to thank MDA and ASF for providing 
SAR data. 
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