International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B7, 2012
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia
Figure 1. Geocoded PS set in 3D coordinate system. The colour
codes the height
targets with its 3D position and its deformation time series is
obtained. In Figure 1 a 3D view of the geocoded point cloud is
shown. It is quite easy to recognise the major urban structures
in this point cloud. An automatic reconstruction of buildings as
done with airborne laserscanning data is however quite difficult
due to the irregular point distribution and the limited
positioning accuracy. For that reason additional map data is
used, which makes an assignment of PS to buildings possible.
2.2 Building Outlines
The GIS data used throughout this research has been digitised
manually using Google Earth™. Due to that its level of detail
and accuracy is limited. However, we believe it to be sufficient
for the purpose of determining the affiliation of PS to buildings.
The GIS data is shown in Figure 2 overlaid to a Google Earth™
view of the scene. Internally the map data is represented as a set
of polygons.
Since the data has been digitised piecewise, its level of detail as
well as its accuracy are not homogeneous. In general, interior
courtyards are not contained unless they exceed a certain size.
In order to estimate the needed volume per building a mean
height has been acquired manually for every outline polygon
leading to a prismatic building model. While this is a good
approximation in simple cases, it gets inaccurate for more
complicated buildings. The prismatic building models can be
Figure 2. The used building outlines overlaid to a Google
Earth™ map.
seen in Figure 6.
The compilation of a PS density map over buildings requires
essentially two processing steps. First the PS point cloud and
the GIS data have to be geometrically aligned. Secondly, the PS
have to be assigned to the buildings. Both steps are conducted
using the planimetric positions of the PS only, since no 3D GIS
data like a 3D city model are available.
3.1 Geometrical alignment
The alignment of the datasets with respect to each other is
necessary since both may be systematically displaced from their
true position. This is especially the case for the PS point cloud
due to the necessity to choose a reference PS at zero elevation.
An inappropriate choice will results in a point cloud displaced
in the sensors viewing direction (Gernhardt et al, 2011). Since
the GIS data have been digitised using Google Earth™, it
cannot be considered accurate. However, we are just interested
in a relative alignment of both datasets. Thus, the PS point
cloud is shifted in order to match the map data, which is
advantageous since all results are referenced to Google Earth™
by doing so. The methodology employed to estimate the
misalignment between both datasets is a simplified version of
the popular Iterative Closest Point algorithm (ICP) (Besl,
1992). The coordinate transformation is assumed to be a two-
dimensional shift, which simplifies the ICP procedure
Initially PS located on building roofs and other structures
within the building outlines have to be filtered out as they
cannot have corresponding points in the GIS data. This is done
with a filter similar to the one used in (Gernhardt et al, 2011) to
remove PS located at facades. It essentially checks the height
variance of all PS in a local neighbourhood around the point
under investigation. If the variance exceeds a threshold, the PS
is tagged as a facade PS and kept for the ICP procedure. While
this is quite effective to filter out PS on building roofs and on
the ground, it certainly does not remove PS at vertical structures
inside the outline of the building like facades bounding interior
courtyards. Those structures are in general not included in the
used GIS data, which may be problematic in some cases.
After filtering the ICP procedure is performed. For every point
of the PS set a shift vector to the closest point in the map data is
determined. The distance between a point and a polygon edge
(i.e. a line segment) is defined following (Besl, 1992) and
sketched in Figure 3. If the PS is located in the area shaded in
grey, the distance is measured along the plumb line (PS2 with
distance d2). Otherwise the distance is measured to one of the
polygon points (PSI and PS3). For every PS all edges in a
certain neighbourhood are checked. Given the point
correspondences a shift can be estimated which minimises the
sum of the squared distances between both datasets.
Let (x;y; denote the coordinates of the PS set and (Xj, Y))
denote the coordinates of the set of corresponding points in the
map data.
. polygon edge
Figure 3. Definition of the distance between polygon edges
and PS.