Full text: Technical Commission VII (B7)

ngs requires 
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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B7, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
The objective function can be stated as 
X =X, + Ax)’ *(Y-v Ay) ) (1) 
Ax, Ay i=l 
where Ax and Ay are the unknown shift parameters and N is the 
cardinality of the set of point correspondences. A local 
minimum of this function can be easily obtained by setting: 
1 N 
AN ns, 
iS nes) 
i Q) 
Ay=—— v-y 
ÿ sen y,) 
In other words, an estimate of the shift can be obtained by 
simply averaging the coordinate differences of all point 
correspondences. Finally the shift has to be applied to one of 
the point sets. Throughout this work the PS set is shifted, which 
is quite convenient for the depiction of the results in Google 
The procedure of finding the nearest neighbours, estimation, 
and application of the shift has to be done iteratively since the 
point correspondences are usually not correct in the first place. 
The cumulative shift (i.e. the sum of the shifts of all iterations) 
is finally applied to the complete PS. A subset of the PS before 
the application of the shift together with some building outlines 
overlaid to Google Earth™ is displayed in Figure 4. The same 
situation is shown in Figure 5 after the application of the shift. 
The alignment is clearly visible. The shift direction corresponds 
roughly with the looking direction of the SAR sensor, 
confirming the aforementioned assumption that the 
misalignment is mainly caused by an inappropriate choice of the 
reference PS. 
3.2 Assignment of PS to buildings 
After alignment of PS point cloud and GIS data, the PS can be 
assigned to buildings. For that a simple nearest neighbour 
criterion is used. For every PS the distance to polygon edges in 
a local neighbourhood is determined. The PS is assigned to the 
polygon containing the closest edge. A result of the assignment 
Figure 4. Outlines and PS before application of the estimated 
shift for a small part of the test site. The offset between both 
datasets is clearly visible. 
igure 5. Outlines and PS after the PS set has been shifted. The 
alignment is clearly visible. The assignment to the buildings is 
indicated by the colours. 
for a subset of the scene is indicated by the colours of the points 
in Figure 5. In the case at hand the purely geometric assignment 
works well, because the buildings are far enough apart. In other 
cases, where buildings are very close to each other, wrong 
assignments will emerge. However, for the sake of counting PS 
we assume those wrong assignments to be negligible for 
buildings of a certain size. 
Given the assignment of the PS to the buildings a map of the 
number of PS per building volume can be easily compiled. 
Figure 6 shows the prismatic building models used for the 
calculation of the volume coloured according to their PS density 
overlaid to Google Earth™. The black polygon marks the area 
where both PS and GIS data are available. At first glance the 
density appears to be quite heterogeneous. While most of the 
buildings host not more than five PS per 1000m? (the mean 
value is around three PS per 1000m?), some show densities 
above ten PS per 1000m° (note that the colour scale is clipped). 
The highest values (20-25 PS/ 1000m?) emerge for very small 
buildings. Due to their small volume just few erroneously 
assigned PS may change the result considerably, which is why 
we do not consider those results to be reliable. From a practical 
point of view the map shown in Figure 6 gives a coarse 
overview about how good a building or building part can be 
monitored. Admittedly it is also crucial how the PS are 
distributed on the building. If for instance just facade PS are 
available a deformation of the roof could not be detected. In any 
case it is possible to identify buildings which cannot be 
monitored properly. For instance the red building enclosed by 
the dashed rectangle c hosts very few PS (58 PS, 0.5 
PS/1000m*) making a proper monitoring even in case of a 
uniform sampling questionable. 
Some factors influencing the PS density at buildings are 
illustrated by the examples marked by dashed rectangles termed 
The most important factor is the facade and roof structure. It has 
been shown, that PS most likely originate from three- or 
fivefold bounce reflections (Auer et al, 2011). Thus, a high PS 
density can be expected for facades accommodating for instance 

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