Full text: Technical Commission VIII (B8)

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risks: the so-called Zone Potentially Occupied by 
Mosquitoes (ZPOM). 
The integrated approach to determine the environmental 
risk levels of RVF (CNES, 2008) bridges the physical 
and biological mechanisms, linking environmental 
conditions to the production of RVF vectors and the 
accompanying potential risks. 
Possible hazards in the vicinity of fenced-in hosts are 
displayed in the second Figure, where the mapped ZPOM 
is displayed. In the Figure the Zone Potentially Occupied 
by Mosquitoes, or ZPOMs with ranked hazards from 
yellow (low hazards) to red (high hazards). ZPOM in the 
Barkedji area (large black area) is obtained from the 
ponds distribution after a single rainfall event (top left). 
Localization of the Barkedji village and ruminants' 
fenced-in areas (vulnerability, from QuickBird) in black 
for the same area (top right). Potential risks ie., — 
hazards + vulnerability are shown by super-imposing the 
two pictures (bottom of Figure). 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B8, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
| Risks 
Climate variability and change and environmental risks 
comprise mechanisms linking rainfall variability and 
trends, density of  vectors/mosquitoes and their 
aggressiveness, and hosts vulnerability. The dynamical 
evolution of ZPOMs, from ponds clustering, has 
identified risks as a function of discrete and productive 
rainfall events. The socio-economic risks can thus be 
anticipated based on statistical evaluation of the seasonal 
rainfalls which can be done a few months prior to the 
rainy season (based upon seasonal forecasts). 
Impacts mitigation can be accomplished though strategic 
displacement of the fenced-in animals during the course 
of the rainy season, vaccination, destruction of vectors. 
The Transcube Model and the conceptual approach 
presented here are to be linked with biological modelling 
of virus transmission and circulation, as well as with 
classical epidemiological models. Ultimately, the fully 
integrated approach should help understanding the 
mechanisms leading to potential RVF epidemics and 
improve related EWS or “RVFews”. 
The physical and biological mechanisms from other 
infectious diseases are to be developed by applying a 
similar methodology elsewhere (including higher-latitude 
regions) where climate and environment are also varying 
and changing rapidly. This is in the process of being 
implemented for Malaria epidemics over Burkina Faso 
(PaluClim project). 
CNES, 2008 : Method for tele-epidemiology (Méthode 
pour la télé-épidémiologie). Patent pending f 
Lacaux J-P., Tourre Y. M., Vignolles C., Ndione J-A., 
Lafaye M., 2007 : Classification of ponds from high 
spatial resolution remote sensing: application to rift 
valley fever epidemics in Senegal. J. Remote Sensing 
Env., 106, 66-74. 
Lafaye M., 2006 : Nouvelles applications spatiales pour 
la santé: la télé-épidémiologie pour le suivi des fiévres 
aviaires. CNES Magazine, February, 30-31. 
Martens, P. 2001: Climate Change: Vulnerability and 
Sustainability. IPCC TAR report. 
www.erida.no/climate/ipec. tav/we2/539.htm 
Plan Bleu, 2008 : Mediterranean Basin: Climate Change 
and Impacts during the 21st century. Report 2008, Le 
Plan Bleu, Sophia Antipolis, 15 Rue Beethoven, 06560, 
pp 67. 
Takken, W., 2006 : Environmental Change and Malaria 
Risk: Global and Local Implications. Springer Edit. 
pp150. ISBN-13: 978-1402039270. 
Tourre Y. M., White W. B., 2006 : Global climate signals 
and equatorial SST variability in the Indian, Pacific and 
Atlantic oceans during the 20th century. Geophys. Res. 
Lett., 33, L06716, doi: 10.1029/2005GL025176. 
Tourre Y. M., Fontannaz D., Vignolles C., Ndione J-A., 
Lacaux J-P., Lafaye M., 2007 : GIS and high-resolution 
remote sensing improve early warning planning for 
mosquito-borne epidemics. Healthy GIS, GIS for Health 
and Human Services, ESRI, 1-4. 
Tourre Y.M., Lacaux J-P., Vignolles C., Ndione J-A., 
Lafaye M., 2008 : Mapping of zones potentially occupied 
by Aedes vexans and Culex poicilipes mosquitoes, the 
main vectors of Rift Valley Fever in Senegal. Geospatial 
Health 3 (1), 69-79. 
Vignolles C., Lacaux J-P., Tourre Y. M., Bigeard G., 
Ndione J-A., Lafaye M., 2009 : Rift Valley fever in a 
zone potentially occupied by Aedes vexans in Senegal: 
dynamics and risk mapping. Geospatial Health 3 (2), 

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