). The
th red
is the
of the
| for extensive
) (Muller and
/M3 matchers
et al., 2002),
t predecessors
ig techniques.
nalised cross
it can account
timal method
nt in imagery
t any changes
les and noise
TSR images.
tive disparity
ontinuities. À
ity population
for example.
as intensity
changes within the imagery. The statistical measures (regional
mean and standard deviation) used in the NCC algorithm
assume the intensity values within the patch have a Gaussian
distribution, at discontinuities this assumption may be
invalidated due to the occurrence of multi-modal intensity
distributions. This leads to erroneous disparity measurements at
discontinuities. ~~ Here we implement a stereo matching
algorithm based on the Census algorithm (Zabih and Woodfill,
1994) to achieve better results at depth discontinuities.
2.3 Census
The Census transform belongs to the group of patch based non-
parametric transforms, including the Rank transform (Zabih and
Woodfill, 1994) and Ordinal measures (Baht and Nayer, 1998).
These transforms do not rely on the pixel values themselves;
rather they encode the ordering of the pixel values. The Census
transform in addition to encoding the ordering of the pixels also
stores the spatial structure of the pixels within the patch. This is
achieved through the definition of a bit string which encodes
the relationship of a pixel of interest to those pixels within its
local neighbourhood, defined by the patch size. Here, we apply
the modified census transform (MCT, Froba, 2004), which
replaces the central pixel value with the mean of the patch,
which further improves performance. MCT can be described
formally as follows:
FG)- 9.606)0) — 1n
Where N (x)is the neighbourhood centered on the pixel X so
that N(x)e N(x)ux. The comparison function
C(I(x),1(y)) is 1 if I(x) « I(y), where I(x) is the patch
mean intensity and I(y) is a pixel intensity from the local
neighbourhood. Lastly, ® denotes a concatenation operation,
which generates the bit string.
As non-parametric transforms depend solely on the ordering of
the local intensities and not the magnitudes they are robust to all
radiometric distortions that do not change the ordering. Further
they are less susceptible to the effects of intensity variations at
discontinuities (Zabih and Woodfill, 1994), leading to more
accurate disparity estimations and less smoothing across
discontinuities. For a detailed analysis of cost metrics see
Hirschmuller and Scharstein (2008).
Applying MCT to the AATSR stereo image pair, stereo
matching can then be achieved by finding the most similar
comparison bit string from within a search window to a
reference bit string. Similarity is defined using the Hamming
Weight, effectively the sum of the Hamming Distance also
referred to as an XOR operation. Comparisons are achieved
efficiently by converting the bit strings into bit numbers and
applying bit twiddling methods to rapidly evaluate the
Hamming Weight. The raw output from MCT for a scene over
Greenland is shown in Figure 1b.
Validation is carried out against LiDAR cloud layer
measurements at Skm spatial resolution obtain from the
CALIOP instrument. For the month of June 2008 all AATSR
scenes over-passing Greenland processed using MCT and the
CTHs were extracted using the Mannstien camera model (Denis
et al., 2007). From this dataset a total of 6 AATSR orbits were
found to have collocated CALIOP measurements within their
swath, with at most two minutes between acquisitions. Here,
we present an initial inter-comparison using one of these
collocated datasets for stereo results derived from the 0.55um
channels (the nadir image is show in Figure 1a).
The collocation methodology involves a number of steps:
Firstly, a 5x5 pixel median filter is applied to the AATSR CTH
result, this smoothes the AATSR data to a similar resolution to
the CALIOP data (see Figure 1c). Secondly, the data are
collocated using the associated lat/lon grids. Each collocated
AATSR pixel is then compared to the collocated column of
CALIOP cloud top (CTL) and cloud bottom layers (CBL).
Comparison to CTL and CBL is required as CALIOP has
increased sensitivity to cloud compared to AATSR. | AATSR
resolves the cloud height where the cloud reaches a certain
optical thickness, whereas CALIOP determines the cloud top to
be where it first encounters a cloud signal. The matching
CALIOP cloud layer from the column is the layer height which
has the minimum distance from the AATSR CTH. Lastly
outlier removal is performed on each collocated data set, with
an outlier defined as any collocated measurement pair whose
heights differ by more than two sigma from the mean height.
The two sets of inter-comparison results are presented here. In
Figure 2, the inter-comparison between the AATSR CTH and
CALIOP CTL are presented. A total of 154 inter-comparisons
were made. The AATSR CTH measurements appear quantised
in comparison to the CALIOP results, this is due to the pixel
level accuracy of the AATSR measurements leading to ~lkm
groupings. In the CALIOP transect (shown in Figure 1c) there
appear to be two main CTL groupings, one cloud feature at
between 4-6km and another at 8-9km. The results in Figure 2
show that AATSR is generally underestimating CTH in
comparison to the CALIOP CTL. The bias between the
measurements confirms this at -2.45 km. The RMSE is 2.76 km
and the coefficient of determination is 0.54.
9L A e = =
$ s, 2
e 9 ° - N og e
= ; : :
x 7 eus i ze.
E sius
0. $ ®
o ge
= 5t oink eut
< 3% js
Q e e i Pe
s res $
3 2 o4 : s
2 3
3 a 5 $
Figure 2. This Figure presents the results of the
inter-comparison between AATSR CTH and
CALIOP CTL for the transect presented in
Figure lc.