In Figure 3 the inter-comparison between the AATSR CTH and
CALIOP CBL are presented. The same number of inter-
comparisons were made. The CALIOP CBLs appear to show
better agreement with the AATSR CTH measurements, though
some under-estimation is still apparent. The bias between the
measurements confirms this at -0.77 km. The RMSE is 1.36 km
and the coefficient of determination is 0.71.
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Figure 3. This Figure presents the results of the
inter-comparison between AATSR CTH and
CALIOP CBL for the transect presented in
Figure 1c.
The inter-comparison of the AATSR CTH measurements with
the CALIOP CTL measurements appears to show that, in
general, the AATSR stereo retrievals are underestimating the
height of clouds. The bias demonstrates that CALIOP typically
retrieves heights which are 2.5km above those retrieved by
AATSR. Further doubt in the AATSR measurements is given
by the RMSE (2.76km) and R? (0.54) scores, both of which
show poor agreement between the height retrievals. The cause
of the poor agreement is likely due to a number of different
effects. Firstly, CALIOP is more sensitive to the actual top of
the cloud; AATSR returns the height of the cloud where the
optical thickness becomes sufficient to provide enough texture
within the image for the stereo matcher to perform effectively.
À second cause is likely to be wind displacement of the clouds
in the along-track direction. This displacement can affect the
accuracy of the stereo CTH retrieval by modifying the relative
parallax between image acquisitions. To create noticeable
effects at pixel level accuracy, the wind speed must be at least
8m/s! (Prata and Turner, 1997), and previous studies have
shown that the only region where these wind speeds occur with
regularity in the meridional axis, which typically effects CTH
estimation, is over Greenland (Muller er al., 2007).
In order to assess whether winds are affecting the validation,
coincident ECMWF single layer meridional wind profiles have
been extracted and are presented in Figure 4. The collocated
study region is approximated by the black transect running
through Figure 4. The wind speeds are at most + 2 m/s”! in the
meridional direction; therefore they are unlikely to be
influencing the results of the validation. More likely is the
higher sensitivity of CALIOP to the true cloud top.
To assess whether AATSR is better able to detect the bulk of
the cloud a second inter-comparison was made against the
CALIOP CBL. The results for this are presented in Figure 3.
The scatter plot shows much better agreement between AATSR
CTH and CALIOP CBL with far fewer outliers present. The
statistical analysis of the inter-comparison again shows a low
bias present in the AATSR CTH retrievals, with the CALIOP
CBL being around 0.8 km higher in general. The RMSE is still
quite high and above 1km at 1.36km, but the R? value is much
improved at 0.71, showing much better agreement between
From this limited validation it appears that AATSR retrieves
lower CTH heights than the CALIOP instrument, indeed
retrieving heights which are below the base layer of the detected
CALIOP clouds. The cause of this is undetermined currently.
More extensive inter-comparisons are required to better under-
stand the processes at work. Indeed this inter-comparison is
limited, so is unlikely to be effectively representing the
relationship between the AATSR and CALIOP CTH retrievals.
noitOv 10 metre vind component (m s**-1)
Mean 4.74846 Max 6.18825 Min 12.4446
Source: British Atmospheric Data Centre
Figure 4. This Figure shows the meridional
wind speeds for the collocation region. The
approximate path of the CALIOP instrument in
Shoe by the black transect. All units are in
This work has demonstrated the application of the Census
stereo matching algorithm to a month of AATSR data over
Greenland. Of the scenes processed, one was selected to be
inter-compared with the CALIOP LiDAR instrument for
preliminary validation purposes. Whilst the validation is very
limited, some good agreement is found between the CALIOP
cloud base layer and the AATSR cloud top height. Further
work is required to more extensively validate the Census stereo
outputs; however the initial results do show some promise.
Once fully validated a processing chain is in place to process 20
years worth of ATSR cloud top height data over Greenland for
improving the understanding of clouds in this region, which is
challenging for current retrieval methods.
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high albedo, J. Glaciol., 67, 73-84.
Bhat, D., and S. Nayar. 1998. Ordinal measures for image
correspondence,” IEEE Transaction on Pattern Analysis and
Machine Intelligence, vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 415-423.
Cover on
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Journal of.
Frey, R. A
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Muller, J.,
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Cirrus anc
Remote Se
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Prata, A
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Part I: Ser