Full text: Technical Commission VIII (B8)

vhich is not 
a and may 
f Elevation 
ach image 
shows that 
; consistent 
cal surface 
effect of 
eriod. The 
egative CC 
rest located 
ling effect 
me models 
m positive 
and 5, this 
reated with 
> elevation 
ith positive 
al surface 
area, under 
ation may 
diation and 
> same time 
id value of 
during dry 
ng season 
y be due to 
/17/2006 is 
19.39 deg), 
nce of solar 
ribution of 
nd daytime 
and 8, it is 
negative to 
n a certain 
wind speed 
;oast shows 
cal surface 
3 effect on 
that GWR 
with coast, 
ling effect 
the pattern of CC variation in Figures 7 and 8 in daytime 
model 11/03/2003 and 04/17/2006, when approaching coast 
(the blue sample points area), the daytime model 11/03/2003 
tends to show a more obvious negative correlation by a lower 
negative CC value with wider covering than the model 
04/17/2006. This may be due to the relatively higher wind 
speed (5.67 m/s) at image time 11/03/2003 than at image 
time 04/17/2006 (2.81m/s) which favored the cooling effect 
of coast. Moreover with the wind direction change from 
blowing from coast to land (at image time of 11/03/2003) to 
blowing from land to coast (at image time of 04/17/2006) in 
yellow circle area, the CC values appeared from negative to 
positive indicating that the component contribution (CC) of 
proximity with coast to local surface temperature variation 
from temperature decrease to increase (referred as from 
cooling effect to warming effect) within this area. This may 
be due to the fact that when the wind blows from land to 
coast, the coast in low surface temperature during daytime 
may have no obvious cooling effect on local surface, even 
slightly contributes to the heightening of the local surface 
temperature with low positive CC values. 
me IU prenne fete 
© AfA ae aa var 
Figure 3. Coefficients contribution of Elevation in nighttime 
model 10/28/03 
épartone 145301 80 
Conp 3 
DIVE iiy 
Toe ath AM 
Figure 4. Coefficients contribution of Elevation in daytime 
model 11/03/03 
qe e pa Mes 
* YN RN tm Axe rrt 
Cong 3 
Figure 5. Coefficients contribution of Elevation in daytime 
model 04/17/06 
qvi 18230 S0 
Comp s 
* ® 
états VeRO ien 
Figure 6. Coefficients contribution of Distance from coast in 
nighttime model 10/28/03 
à 122 500 GAR SA TES 
Figure 7. Coefficients contribution of Distance from coast in 
daytime model 11/03/03 

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