In order to discriminate cloud and blue sky areas from the
whole sky imageries, we use Sky Index (S7) and Brightness
Index (BI) which are calculated from RGB channels of the
image. SZ shows the blueness/greyscale and BJ shows the
brightness in pixels. SI and BI are expressed by equation (1) and
DN; — DNp
Sl = Br n (D
DN5 + DNg
DN, + DN , + DB
Pr = 2 68 LR (2)
@r—1) +3
where DN, ; digital number of Blue channel
DN ; digital number of Green channel
DN; ; digital number of Red channel
n ; bit number of quantization level
SI values have the range between —1.0 and 1.0. The blue sky
area in the RGB image has the higher digital number in blue
channel and the lower digital number in red channel. On the
other hand, the clouds show white or grey on the image. Thus,
the higher value of SI shows bluer sky, the value of near zero
shows the clouds and the sun. B/ values are expressed by the
range between 0 and 1.0. The bright pixels on the image show
high BI. The pixels in the sun area have B/=1 and SZ =0.
The whole sky areas consisted of the sun, clouds and blue sky
are classified by the threshold curve which was derived from
two dimensions of SI and BI coordinates. The threshold curve
for sky area classification was determined by counting the
frequency of SZ and BJ combination’s pixel. In this case, the
threshold curve was used as BI = e°”“, When the coordinates
plot under the threshold curve, these are classified as cloud area.
The coordinates upper the curve are classified as blue sky area.
The sun area in the imagery has the coordinates of S7 = 0 and BI
= 1. In this way, the sky classified image was generated by SJ &
BI threshold.
Whole Sky Image (t)
| Sky Index (SI) | | Brightness Index (BI) |
| Masking for out of area | | Masking for out of area |
A it in. DS
Classifying Sun, Cloud, and Blue Counting the frequency of SI
sky areas by SI&BI threshold and BI combination’s pixel
Determination of SI&BI
threshold for dividing sun,
/ Sky classified image(t]/ cloud A areas
Figure 1. The flowchart of cloud, blue sky and sun
discrimination by whole sky imageries
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B8, 2012
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia
As for the method of overlaying with cloud areas of both
ground and satellite-based images, the cloud area on whole sky
image are projected to ground surface plane with map
coordinate. Our used fisheye lens has equidistant projection. In
case of setting the ADFC fixed to north direction and levelled
horizontally, the central pixel of whole sky (hemisphere) image
corresponds to the zenith.
According to equidistant projection, the distance from the image
centre is in proportion to zenith angle shown in equation (3).
deg 9
R ^ 90 e
where — d,4; distance from zenith (image centre)
R; Radius of whole sky image area (pixels)
6 ; Zenith angle (degrees)
Consequently, the zenith (0) and azimuth (d) angles on whole
sky image are able to calculate from the image coordinates (u,
v). And then, the horizontal distance (HD) from the ground-
based observation point, that is central position of whole sky
image, to the target cloud can be estimated by given the
approximate cloud height supposed from each cloud type, and
the cloud areas on whole sky image are projected to map
coordinates (x, y) using 6, gand HD.
In these calculation and conversion, any distortions of fisheye
lens and the curvature of ground surface are left out of
3.1 Calculation of zenith and azimuth angles
Calculation of zenith and azimuth angles at any hemisphere
image coordinates can be shown in equation (4) and (5).
EN TTA CER = (4)
when 0 € 0 « 180,
pn = cos it o =)
@; = 180 — cos ( R x 8;
when 180 < 0<360,
Vi-—uv 90
@; = 180 * cos! ( > : x 3)
where u;, v; ; Image coordinates of column and row (pixels)
u,, v, ; Image centre coordinates (pixels)
0. ; Zenith angle (degrees) at (uj vj)
@; ; Azimuth angle (degrees) at (u;, v;)
In this study, the image size of hemispherical area has 1650
pixels and 1650 lines. Therefore the radius of circle (R) is 825
pixels and the image centre coordinate (u,, v,) is (824, 824) in
case of the image upper left coordinates as (0, 0).
3.2 Cloud area conversion to map coordinates
For each pixel classified as cloud area on whole sky image, the
projected cloud area on the ground can be converted to map
any cloud I
of cumulus,
The conver
whole sky
equation (6
As one of (
several wl
Kyoto, Ja
located at
we use UT
Figure 2 si
whole sky
Figure 2.
Cloud dis
image. ]