Full text: Technical Commission VIII (B8)

Figure 6. Surface current vector field Over the Coastal area of 
Hormuz Strait in an overall view and low resolution and vector 
The analysis limit is set to 55-56 degrees of longitude and a 26- 
27 degree of latitude. The density of vectors in vector field 
depends on the minimum of planimetry accuracy by satellite 
and the gridding scale. In figures 4 and 5 vectors are dense and 
every component of the grid is a 3° x 3° square while in fig 6 
every 25 pixels are averaged in to a pixel.in this figure the scale 
of each component is 15° x 15° and vector colour is red. 
The output is promising as it has accordance with dominant 
winds direction of the area. 
In the future works it would be a suggestion to work on a 
method to find out the currents velocity out of surface models 
through geometrical properties of wave shape. Also to develop 
an algorithm of limiting the wave's analysis range to have more 
accurate and time saving results in the computations. There is 
even a potential of study on the higher order momentums and 
their impact on the results 51 [16], 
There have been various approaches of determining parameters 
related to ocean's surface waters. Meanwhile some of them are 
concentrated on the currents velocity and direction using 
Doppler Effect or the Satellite Image Based Feature Tracking 
The method presented in this paper unlike the Doppler Effect 
method can give results even with one satellite data while the 
Doppler Effect needs more than one satellite to get a 
unidirectional result, because every Doppler observation gives 
the direction and velocity in the radius path with respect of 
sensor and for a unidirectional result more than a satellite 
altimeter or sensor is needed. 
Accuracy of the Satellite Image Based Feature Tracking method 
is dependent on the temporal resolution of images taken of an 
area and doesn't give a result in bad weather conditions. It also 
needs a bunch of complex and time consuming feature tracking 
computations which may get in to mistakes and needs human 
observation whilst this method's results has a more reliable 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B8, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
results in comparison to the Satellite Image Based Feature 
Tracking method. 
The Doppler approach achieves sub centimetre parts of surface 
water velocity and direction which is a high resolution 
observation while determining the direction of surface waters 
needs at least a few meters of resolution in the observations. 
This quality lets the Doppler method have a significant 
redundancy and over data in the process which is good but 
Altimetry satellites have a history and record of almost 18 year 
which some of them earlier doesn't include Doppler and SAR 
observations but elevations. By this method it is possible to use 
these elevations for direction finding in the coastal areas. 
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