Full text: Technical Commission VIII (B8)

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Table 2. Summary of runoff estimation analysis of each scenario 
Increment in Rainfall (%) 
Change % Change 
0 5 10 15 
0-5 0-10 0-15 0-5 0-10 0-15 
0 281.84 309.95 338.96 368.80 
28.11 57.12 86.96 9.97 20.27 30.85 
278.63 306.55 335.39 365.07 
27.92 56.76 86.44 10.02 20.37 31.02 
2 275.43 303.18 331.83 361.33 
27.75 56.40 85.90 10.08 20.48 31.19 
ncrement in 
3 272.24 299.85 328.30 357.64 
27.61 56.05 85.40 10.14 20.59 31.37 
Increment in Temperature CO Change % Change 
0 1 2 3 0-5 0-10 0-15 0-5 0-10 0-15 
= S 0 281.84 2778.63 275.43 272.24 -3.21 -6.41 -9.60 -1.14 -2.27 -3.41 
5 = 5 300.05 306.55 303.18 299.85 -3.41 -6.77 -10.11 -1.10 -2.18 -3.26 
5 = 10 338.96 335.39 331.83 328.30 -3.57 -7.13 -10.66 -1.05 -2.10 -3.15 
in 15 368.80 365.07 361.33 357.64 -3.73 -7.47 -11.15 -1.01 -2.02 -3.02 
Table 3. Summary of ET estimation analysis of each scenario 
Increment in Rainfall (%) Change % Change 
0 5 10 15 0-5 0-10 0-15 0-5 0-10 0-15 
g 0 704.73 | 717.63 | 729.54 | 740.61 12.90 24.81 35.88 1.83 3.52 5.09 
Ê $ 5 1 7412.08 (725.371 73101 748.98 13.28 23.33 36.90 1.87 3.58 5.18 
5 E 2 719.26 | 732.91 | 745.51 757.18 13.65 26.25 37.92 1.90 3.65 5.27 
ze 3 726.24 | 740.25 | 753.20 | 765.18 14.01 26.96 38.94 1.93 3.71 5.36 
Increment in Temperature (°C) Change % Change 
0 1 2 3 0-5 0-10 0-15 0-5 0-10 0-15 
ë S 0 704.73 | 712.08. 1.71026 | 72624 7.35 14.53 21.50 1.04 2.06 3.05 
BE 5 71763 | 72537 | 73291 740.25 7.73 15.28 22.62 1.08 2.13 3.15 
: £ 10 729.54 | 737.61 | 745.51 753.20 8.07 15.97 23.66 1.11 2:19 3.24 
zu 15 740.61 748.98 | 757.18 | 765.18 8.38 16.57 24.57 1.13 2.24 3.32 
In the present study, an attempt has been made to study the 
impact of climate and LULC change on water resources of 
India. It has been reported in literature that temperature and 
rainfall may increase in India in years to come. Therefore, 
different scenarios were developed with incrementing 
temperature by 1°C, 2°C and 3°C; rainfall by 5%, 10%, 15%; 
and combination of these two. The VIC semi-distributed macro- 
scale hydrological model has been investigated for hydrological 
As a general tendency in land cover change, open forest usually 
gets converted into agriculture/urban settlement, in such a case, 
slight increase in runoff and corresponding decrease in ET was 
predicted. Same kind of trend has been found, in case of 
agriculture converts into urban/settlements. 
In climatic variation scenarios, an increase in runoff and ET has 
been predicted. It was observed that due to urbanisation 
temperature increases, and affects the hydrology. Consequently, 
results in increase in runoff, which may lead to urban flooding 
also. With increase in rainfall as well as temperature, an 
increasing trend in ET has been identified. The results are 
encouraging for climate and LULC change point of view. The 
model results will help planners in land use policy planning; 
and formulating mitigation and adaptation in different land 
cover and climate change scenarios. 
It may also be concluded that the VIC model results in idealistic 
hydrology as it takes into account a large number of parameter 
influencing the process. It was realized that to study such 
complex hydrological interaction between land surface and 
atmosphere over a large region, it requires enormous data, in 
this regard; remote sensing data may play an important role. 

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