Full text: Technical Commission VIII (B8)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B8, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
Alluvial soils (fluvic Gleysols) can be found in the flood plains. 
They have the texture of silty clay loam and they have the 
neutral soil reaction and are rich in available plant nutrients. 
nMeadow Gley soils (Gleysol) and Meadow swampy (Histic 
Gleysol) occur in the regions of lower depressions where the 
lands are inundated for more than 6 months in a year. The 
texture of these soils is clayey to clay and usually having very 
strong acid reaction, and contain large amount of iron. 
Soil Map of Yangen Division is 
Soit Legend 
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Figure 2. Soil map of the Yangon area (copyright of Land use 
division, Myanma Agriculture Service (Feb 11, 2002) 
Dune forest and Beach sand can be found only at the 
coastal line of Myanmar. The areas of their occurrence are 
insignificant. The coastal line should be under wind and water 
erosion control. Mangrove forest soils occur in very small area 
along the coastal line of Myanmar, especially in the region of 
Ayeyarwady Delta. These are marine flat lowlands, which are 
affected by daily tides. Saline swampy meadow gley soils in 
Ayeyarwady Delta and along the river bands of the Gulf of 
Motama and the marine flat lowlands influenced by the tidal 
sea water, which is always salty. 
2.3 Typical Drainage Patterns 
This area almost fluvial food plain, other is lower coastal plains 
where there may be few surface drainage channels. In and 
around Yangon river areas, the water table is often high; 
relatively young and subjected to a minimum of dissection. À 
high water table minimizes runoff and restrict system that may 
from between floods. 
Many major streams in level regions are constructional. They 
build up their own flood plains and have little contact with the 
underlying material of the area. Some major streams in level 
areas, however, are engaged in eroding and are, therefore 
destructional. Examples of such streams may be found in 
coastal plains and in lakebeds. 
Figure 3. Typical Tidal Flood Pattern in Myanmar 
The methodology used in this study involved distinct steps of 
digital processing of individual remote sensing data, multi- 
sensor data integration, and visual interpretation of the 
geomorphological products. The processing of remote sensing 
images was done using ENVI 4.7 and Sufer version 10.7.972 
software, following schemes for enhancements and integration 
of optical and SAR images successfully used for Yangon river 
geomorphology and terrain analysis. The corresponding 
information was acquired on the terrain based on a ground 
positioning system (GPS) campaign and used as ground control 
points (GCPs). Since the area presents low relief and no digital 
elevation model (DEM) was available, an ortho-rectification 
scheme, assuming a flat terrain model. 
4.1 Interpretation and terrain analysis from optical data 
Long ago back from more than 10 years, AVNIR imagery 
taken by Japan Advanced Earth Observation Satellite (ADEOS) 
Figure 4. ADEOS/AVNIR 432 FCC Color Composite Image 
acquisition at December 25, 1996

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