8, 2012
t by Cyclone
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\DAR data
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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B8, 2012
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia
In Figure 8, Shuttle Range Topographic Mission (SRTM) data
was prepared for shaded and relief map for terrain conditions.
This study area is almost flat and fluvial flood plains. The
product generated from SRTM data to topographic analysis is
important for descriptions of soil contacts and structural
features. The perspective of the relief, through the simulations
of different angles of illuminations, gave the shadow of the
relief, giving the impression of concavity and convexity,
allowing the identification of structural features, soil contacts,
erosion zones and other geomorphological features of the study
4.3. Gemorphological Map generation
; River Esturine Channel
Fluvial Flood Plain (Low)
: Fluvial Flood Plain (Mode
Degraded Mangroove Area
96.1 96.2
Figure 9. Geomorphological Map of Yangon river in and
around area.
The landform classification system is based on geomorphologic
principles, i.e., classification on the basis of landforms, and the
dominant processes in operation related to historical processes.
Additional factors, including land use and land cover, were also
used for classification. The final geomorphological map is
presented in Figure 9. Integration of both optical and radar data
was implied for geomorphic landform mapping, in details of
terrain conditions, manmade features and lanuse land cover
around Yangon river bed and around Coastal flood plain
The contribution of TM band 4 was related to the
discrimination of dense mangrove forest from secondary
vegetation of the coastal plateaus, whose spectral response is
mixed with exposed soil produced by human activity and
disaster affected. The JERS-1 SAR data have contributed to the
enhancement of distinct coastal vegetation height, geometry,
Water content, and degraded and regenerating mangrove
Tegions. The Multi temporal SAR product was fundamental in
providing consistent information about the geo-botany
(vegetation and coastal sedimentary environment relationship)
and emerged and submerged coastal geology that cannot be
accomplished from field investigations alone..
References from Books:
Bushnell, T.M et al., 1955. Air Photo Analysis. Newyork, USA
p.p 12-13
Garde, R.J., 2005. River Morphology. New Age International
Publisher, India, p.p 71-72.
Lecture Notes, Geosciences Division, Indian Institute of
Remote Sensing, India, p.p 103-104.
References from Other Literature:
Aung Lwin, R. S Chatterjee and Myint Myint Khaing, 2010.
Analysis of Change Detection on Coastline using ERS SAR
tandem pair. Myanmar Engineering Society Annual
Conference, Yangon, Myanmar
Kyaw Htun. 1996. Sedimentology and Petrography of South-
Western Part of Thadugan, Shwe Pyi Tha Township, M. Phil.
Paper, Geology Department, Yangon University, Myanmar
Pedro Walfir M. Souza Filho and Waldir Renato Paradella
2005. Use of RADARSAT-1 fine mode andLandsat-5 TM
selective principal component analysis for geomorphological
mapping in a macrotidal mangrove coast in the Amazon Region
Can. J. Remote Sensing, Vol. 31, No. 3, pp. 214-224,
Tint Lwin Swe, 2004. Determination of Peak Ground
Acceleration for Yangon and Its Surrounding Areas. Staff
Report, Yangon Technological University, Myanmar.
Win Naing. 1972. The Hydrogeology of the Greater Rangoon,
M. Sc. Thesis, Geology Department, University of Rangoon.
The authors would like to thank the National Space
Development Agency of Japan (NASDA). In the case of JERS-
1 SAR data and ADEOS/AVNIR imagery were kindly provided
by the Ministry of International Trade and Industry of Japan
(MITI) and NASDA for research purposes.
Special thanks are extended to USGS, Google Earth and Global
Land Cover Facilities (GLCF) Teams for free provision of
Landsat 7 ETM- Imagery and SRTM images. In many depth
are due to my colleagues from Remote Sensing Department,
Mandalay Technological University, Mandalay for their kind
patience and encouragement to finish this work.