Full text: Technical Commission VIII (B8)

8, 2012 
n the Landsat 
Spot 5 scene 
as input data. 
m full scenes 
and bias for 
| the metadata 
Landsat 5 TM 
Landsat 5 TM 
nost the same 
XG sensor 
0,50 - 0,59 
0,61 - 0,68 
0,79 - 0,89 
1,58 - 1,75 
[ and SPOT 5 
1 Spot 5 HRG 
is red- SWIR, 
ivities of both 
in practice we 
e do not see 
| image show 
f construction 
righer mixture 
on 022222 of 
face, irrigated 
Landsat 5 TM 
from green to 
te different in 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B8, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
implementation. These differences are caused maybe by 
different spatial resolution, sensor construction or viewing angle 
of the sensor during observation. While water body is captured 
in Landsat 5 TM only in modulation 222222 and 022222, for 
Spot 5 HRG, water is located in 4 modulations: 222222, 
022222, 002222 and 002022. 
Figure 3. Water by modulation 222222 for Landsat 5 TM (left) 
and Spot 5 (right) 
5 (right) 
Heavily turbid 
cus (E 
Shallow water 
rice field 
Figure 5. Modulation 00222 (left) and 002022 (right) for Spot 5 
For Spot 5 HRG clear water is captured mainly in modulation 
222222 and 022222 and turbid water has reflectance curve 
modulation as 002222 and 002022. In modulation 002022 there 
are heavily turbid water and very shallow water rice field 
(Figure 5). 
2.3 Water Body Extraction Algorithm 
For new comers in spectral pattern analysis there is almost 
unknown knowledge about how many spectral patterns for the 
given image could be and what ground objects a particular 
spectral pattern stand for. The author developed an useful utility 
to decompose the given image into sub-images containing only 
pixels of single spectral pattern. Statistics on how many spectral 
patterns the given images can be decomposed and number of 
pixels for each spectral pattern are given in Table 2. Blue colour 
filled rows indicate spectral patterns for water bodies. 
Landsat 5 TM image Spot 5 HRG image 
Spectral Number of Spectral Number of 
tt ixels attern ixels 
202022 787863 202022 394708 
002022 239842 
002222 90760 
222022 42689 222022 4597 
Table. 2 Statistics on spectral patterns and number of pixels for 
each spectral pattern for Landsat 5 TM and Spot 5 HRG image 
of study area. Colour shaded rows indicate spectral patterns for 
Some sub images with single spectral pattern have been showed 
in Figure 2, 3, 4 and 5. After confirmation which spectral 
pattern contains water surface the analysis was implemented by 
the following algorithm. The water body extraction is consisted 
of 4 steps for Landsat TM and 6 steps for Spot 5 HRG: 
a. Reading image data and finding out gain and bias 
coefficients for conversion from DN to reflectance. 
b. Conversion from DN to reflectance and determining 
modulation of spectral reflectance curve for each 
pixel vector 
c. Case 222222: applying different threshold values for 
SWIR band of TM and HRG sensors to extract water. 
d. Case 022222: applying different threshold values for 
SWNIR band of TM and HRG sensors to extract 
e. Case 002222 — Spot 5 only: applying threshold value 
for SWNIR band to extract water. 
f. Case 002022 — Spot 5 only: applying threshold value 
for SWIR band to extract water. 
It is obvious that the algorithm is composed of two parts: 
decomposition of the image into sub images according to 
spectral reflectance patterns and level slicing into water and 
land using different threshold values for the SWIR band. If we 
apply a single threshold value for water extraction there might 
be under or over estimation in clear and turbid water area 
because reflectance of turbid water is always higher than clear 
water. Figure 7 explains water body under estimation by level 
slicing of Spot SWIR band. 
Under estimation of 
Figure 6. Spot 5 colour composite image (left) and water 
extraction by level slicing of SWIR band (right) 

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