Full text: Technical Commission VIII (B8)

X-B8, 2012 
Rainfalt (mm) 
of AreaNDVI 
n between 
» years 2007, 
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higher NDVI 
composed by 
a. The distinct 
1 types evident 
structure and 
ities (White et 
pring-fed and 
> establishment 
h NDVI values 
ithetic wetland 
e spring flow 
- Mudd, 1998; 
nes, 1978), as 
i-annual mean 
ater discharges 
The temporal 
urements allow 
e observations 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B8, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
However, the dynamics of green wetland areas are also 
controlled by rainfall events on the GAB, natural intra-annual 
variability of species present within the wetlands, and by 
historical events at particular sites. Thus, multi-annual 
variations in vegetation extent are clearly related to the total 
rain measured at the Hamilton Station (Figure 3c). Ephemeral 
wetland and Phragmites phenologies explain the mean 
monthly variations observed in the area index calculated 
(Figure 3d). Anthropogenic actions, like uncontrolled fire, 
also play a crucial part in temporal dynamics of spring 
wetland vegetation (Figure 3a). 
Therefore, short-term variations observed in vegetated 
wetland extent must be interpreted with care and placed in a 
longer context if they are to be used as indicators of spring 
flow modification. Long-term medium resolution satellite 
studies provide a good understanding of variability and a 
strong baseline for assessment of changes, and give temporal 
context for less frequent high resolution studies. For example, 
White and Lewis (2011) record a substantial increase in 
wetland area at DCS using three epochs of high resolution 
satellite imagery between 2006 and 2010). The MODIS index 
of wetland area (AreaNDVI) also shows an increase of about 
50% (Figure 3, AreaNDVI = 13.90, 16.04 and 20.93 km?) 
over these three dates (December 2006, May 2009 and May 
2010), but in addition provides a fuller temporal context for 
these records: 2006 follows six years of declining wetland 
area, there was further decline in 2007 and 2008, with some 
increase in wetland area in 2010. 
While the MODIS NDVI spatial resolution is not sufficient to 
give precise measurements of wetland area; it does give 
objective, repeatable measurements of relative changes in 
area, and provides new understanding of intra and inter- 
annual variability. Variations in the DSC wetland extent 
Observed over the ten years are the result of the combined 
phenological, natural and anthropogenic influences at 
different springs throughout the complex. Nevertheless, the 
trends documented in Figure 10b are quite alarming as they 
suggest decreases of a third in the area index since 2002 and 
a return of wetland vegetation since only 2010. 
MODIS photosynthetic activity monitoring in association 
with higher resolution temporally targeted studies must be 
extended to give a fuller picture of the long term dynamics 
and trends for DSC. Temporal analyses such as those 
implemented in this paper help define the range of natural 
variation in the spring-fed wetlands, and could form the basis 
for thresholds of acceptable change for environmental 
management purposes. Change in wetland area beyond such 
thresholds could provide timely warning of responses to 
changing aquifer pressures or climate change. Further 
research at smaller groups of GAB springs is testing the 
limits imposed by the MODIS NDVI spatial resolution, and 
will extend our understanding of the spring wetland 
The aim of this study was to test the potential of MODIS 
NDVI data as long-term tracer of wetland vegetation in the 
Dalhousie Spring Complex of the Great Artesian Basin. 
Results obtained proved that photosynthetic activity within 
DSC wetlands can be discriminated from surrounding land 
responses in this medium resolution imagery. Up to ten years 
of wetland vegetation extent were documented. The study 
reaffirmed the correlation existing between vegetated areas 
and groundwater flow, but also demonstrated the important 
influence of rainfall, natural species phenologies, and human 
activity on the observed seasonal and inter-annual vegetation 
dynamics. Over the whole Dalhousie Spring discharge area, 
declining trends in the extent of wetland areas were observed 
over the 2000-2009 period followed by a return of wetland 
vegetation since 2010. This study underlined the need to 
continue long-term medium resolution satellite studies of the 
GAB to fully understand variability and trends in the spring- 
fed wetlands. Complemented by high resolution studies, use 
of MODIS imagery over several decades could become a 
powerful tool for monitoring potential impacts of aquifer 
drawdown and climate changes in the Great Artesian Basin. 
Fatchen, T., 2001. Vegetated wetland area as an index of 
mound spring flows, 4th Mound Spring Researchers Forum, 
National Parks and Wildlife Service, Adelaide, South 
Australia, pp. 5-8. 
Fatchen, T.H., Fatchen, D.H., 1993. Dynamics of vegetation 
on mound springs in the Hermit Hill region, Northern South 
Australia. Western Minning Corporation (Olympic Dam 
Operations) Pty. Ltd., Adelaide. 
Fensham, R.J., Fairfax, R.J., 2003. Spring wetlands of the 
Great Artesian Basin, Queensland, Australia. Wetlands 
Ecology and Management 11, 343-362. 
Fensham, R.J., Ponder, W.F., Fairfax, R.J., 2010. Recovery 
plan for the community of native species dependent on 
natural discharge of groundwater from the Great Artesian 
Basin., in: East, C. (Ed.), Basin Report to Department of the 
Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts, Canberra. 
Queensland Department of Environment and Resource 
Management, Brisbane, pp. 1-58. 
Gotch, T.B., 2010. Great Artesian Basin Springs of South 
Australia: Spatial distribution and elevation map. Last 
updated June 2010 South Australian Arid Lands Natural 
Resources Management Board. 
Gotch, T.B., Adams, M., Murphy, N.P., Austin, A.D., 2008. 
A molecular systematic overview of wolf spiders associated 
with Great Artesian Basin Springs in South Australia: 
evolutionary origins and an assessment of metapopulation 
structure in two species. Invertebrate Systematics, 22, 151- 
Hewitt, J.H., Mason, J., 1990. Synoptic inventory of riparian 
ecosystems: The utility of Landsat Thematic Mapper data. 
Forest Ecology and Management 33-34, 605-620. 
Holland, S.M., 2008. Non-metric multidimensional scaling 
(MDS) Department of Geology, University of Georgia, 
Jacquin, A., Sheeren, D., Lacombe, J.-P., 2010. Vegetation 
cover degradation assessment in Madagascar savanna based 
on trend analysis of MODIS NDVI time series. International 
Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 
12, S3-S10. 
Jónsson, A.M., Eklundh, L., Hellstróm, M., Bürring, L., 
Jónsson, P., 2010. Annual changes in MODIS vegetation 
indices of Swedish coniferous forests in relation to snow 
dynamics and tree phenology. Remote Sensing of 
Environment 114, 2719-2730. 
Mudd, G.M., 1998. Mound springs of the Great Artesian 
Basin in South Australia: a case study from Olympic Dam. 
Environmental Geology 39, 463 - 476.

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