function. Stream links were used for stream order calculation by
giving input of flow direction. The resulting stream order grid
was converted into ESRI line format by using raster to feature
conversion tool. Sub-watersheds were delineated by giving an
outlet or pour point, which is the lowest point along the
boundary of the watershed. The cells in the source raster are
used as pour points above which the contributing area is
determined. The drainage systems of 94 tributaries of
Valapattanam river basin have been extracted and analyzed
(Figure 1).
3U81 207
E Sur boss koundary
264820"E 76a00"E 7841 a0"E 78-SYA07E
Figure 1. Map showing location and sub-basins of valapattanam
3.1 Geomorphic indices
Geomorphic indices applicable to fluvial systems in different
regions and of varying size correlate with independently derived
uplift rates (Kirby and Whipple, 2001) and are applicable to a
variety of tectonic settings where topography is being changed
(Bull and McFadden, 1977; Azor et al, 2002). The present
study is based on the calculation of five geomorphic indices:
Stream-length gradient index (SL), asymmetry factor (AF),
hypsometric integral (Hi), drainage basin shape (Bs) and valley
floor width-to-height ratio (Vf) for 94 sub-basins of the
Valapattanam river basin. All the measurements have been
carried out by using drainages and contours extracted from
SRTM DEM in GIS environment.
The results of analyzed geomorphic indices of the Valapattanam
river basin are discussed in the following sections.
4.1 Stream length-gradient index (SL)
The SL index is a practical tool for measuring perturbations
along stream longitudinal profiles, as it is sensitive to changes
in channel slope (Burbank and Anderson, 2001). Furthermore,
SL index may be used to detect recent tectonic activity by
identifying anomalously high index values on a specific rock
type (Chen et al., 2003; Zovoili et al., 2004). The SL index of
each segment of the river was calculated by the equation (1)
SL- (AV/A) L (1)
The SL index was calculated for all the 94 sub-basins covering
the whole study area and the spatial distribution of SL map was
prepared by Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW) interpolation
method (Figure 2). High SL values are observed in sub-basins
located at the upper part of the river. Several locations along the
head water regions of the river basin show anomalous SL values
where the river crosses the fault planes, but in the downward part
of the river, SL values are found to be distributed uniformly. The
values were classified into three categories: SL 2500; 300<
SL«500; and «300. The anomalous SL values that are observed
in uniform lithological conditions are due to tectonic activities,
The SL index value will increase as rivers and streams flow over
an active uplifts, and may have lesser values when they are
flowing parallel to features such as valleys produced by strike-
slip faulting (Keller and Pinter, 2002).
dT 1840"
High : 4524
Low : 0.0321
BEE 75°3007E TS4ŸA0"E 7553 20°E
Figure 2. Spatial distribution of SL values.
4.2 Asymmetry factor (Af)
Af is an areal morphometric variable used to detect the presence
or absence of regional tilt on basin or regional scale. The Af is
determined by using the equation (2) (Keller and Pinter, 2002).
Af=Ap/A1<100 (2)
where, Ag is the area of the basin to the right (facing
downstream) of the trunk stream, and Ay is the total area of the
drainage basin. An Af factor above or below 50 may result from
basin tilting, resulting either from active tectonics or
lithologic/structural control, for example the stream slipping
down bedding plains over time. The asymmetry factor was
computed for selected 94 sub-basins with well developed
drainage network. The difference between calculated Af values
and neutral value i.e. 50 of the sub-basins vary between 0.17 and
49 (Figure 3). Higher values of Af in the NE-NW regions of the
river basin are due to tectonic activity, whereas those near the
estuary are due to lithological control. The values were classified
into three categories: AF >16; Af <16Af>7; and Af <7.
4.3 Hypsometric curve and Integral (Hi)
The hypsometric integral is an index that describes the
distribution of elevation of a given area of a landscape. The
integral is generally derived for a particular drainage basin and is
an index that is independent of basin area. It corresponds to the
area below the hypsometric curve and therefore is correlated with
the shape of the curve (Keller and Pinter, 2002). We have used
an extension called CallHypso (Perez-Pena et al., 2010) of the
software ArcGIS 9.2 and a DEM with 90 m resolution for
drawing hypsometric curves and calculation of hypsometric
integral. Computed Hi values of the sub-basins range from 0.14
to 0.86 (Figure 4). Most of the sub-basins especially those
situated 1
values. I
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4.4 Ini
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basin r
the sub