ations along the
alous SL values
: downward part
| uniformly. The
L 2500; 300«
hat are observed
ctonic activities,
reams flow over
when they are
duced by strike-
tect the presence
scale. The Af is
Pinter, 2002).
e right (facing
total area of the
may result from
> tectonics or
stream slipping
etry factor was
well developed
ulated Af values
etween 0.17 and
W regions of the
s those near the
s were classified
Af «7.
t describes the
landscape. The
lage basin and is
rresponds to the
s correlated with
). We have used
al., 2010) of the
n resolution for
of hypsometric
range from 0.14
especially those
situated in the middle and lower parts of the basin show low Hi
values. But sub-basins with structural contro] show convex
hypsometric curves and high integral values. The values were
classified into three categories: Hi 20.5; Hi«0.5 Hi 7 0.4; and
12" 18 407M
32 8'0"N
f ES
ees e Ld
75°48 WE TS°I00PE TS"AY'AD E 795320E
Figure 3. Spatial distribution of Af values.
1275'0"N 42^168'40"N
754820°E 75°300°E T5'AVAUE T553'207E
Figure 4. Spatial distribution of Hi values.
4.4 Index of drainage basin shape (Bs)
Drainage basin shape is an elongation ratio and describes the
planimetric shape of a basin. It is expressed as:
Bs= Bl/Bw (3)
where, Bl is length of the basin measured from its mouth to the
most distal point in the drainage divide, and Bw is width of the
basin measured across the short axis between left and right
valleys divides (Ramirez-Herrera, 1998). The index reflects
differences between elongated basins with high values of Bs
associated with relatively higher tectonic activity, and more
circular basins with low values generally associated with low
tectonic activity. Relatively young drainage basins in active
tectonic areas tend to be elongated in shape normal to the
topographic slope of a mountain. In the study area, majority of
the sub-basins show moderate to high Bs values which indicate
elongated nature of the sub-basins (Figure 5). The values were
classified into three categories: Bs >3; Bs <3 Bs>2; and <0.2.
T289"N T2*16/407N.
& 3 *6
OY. ARR + 5:2 404
BBW 75300" TE 4TACE 75'S320"E
Figure 5. Spatial distribution of Bs values.
4.5 Ratio of valley floor width to valley height (Vf)
The Vf ratio is a good measure that indicates whether the river is
actively down cutting and incising (Bull and McFadden, 1977).
Vf was calculated by using equation (4).
Vf-Vfw/[(Eld-Esc)*(Erd-Esc)y2] (4)
where, Vf is the ratio of valley floor width to valley height; Vfw
is the width of the valley floor; Eld is the elevation of the divide
on the left side of the valley; Erd is the elevation on the right
side; and Esc is the average elevation of the valley floor. This
index has been applied to evaluate the relative degree of tectonic
activity of several mountain fronts located in the eastern and
central Betic Cordillera (Silva et al, 2003). The index is a
measure of incision and not uplift; but in an equilibrium state,
incision and uplift are nearly matched. For each of the selected
basin, the requisite valley width and height data were obtained
along valley cross-sections perpendicular to the drainage basin
axis and calculated the Vf (Figure 6). The values were classified
into three categories: Vf«0.39; Vf 20.55 Vf«1.05; and Vf 71.2.
BH 554-008 2 % © 2
75°18'20°F 7530 0"E TSATAOE 75°5320°E
Figure 6. Spatial distribution of Vf values.
4.6 Relative tectonic activity classes
All the five geomorphic indices show anomalous high values in
the river capture areas and low values above the Ghat region. The
relative tectonic activity classes (Iat) were obtained by compiling
all the five geomorphic indices. Based on the value of each