Full text: Technical Commission VIII (B8)

S vector data 
a next step as 
| management. 
ample. The N- 
calculated for 
g agricultural 
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ind use classes 
ons by law for 
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' Zones and the 
of N-fertilizer 
The result of the spatial and land use coupled N-fertilizer input 
regionalization for the “Wiirttembergisches Allgäu” is shown in 
Fig. 3. It is clearly visible that there is no large difference 
between the townships, except for Tettnang (far Southwest), 
which has a significant lower input due to comparable low 
livestock numbers resulting in a comparable low N-input from 
manure. The administrative border gives a strong spatial 
footprint which is usually the case for administrative based 
maps. The other townships are pasture dominated and the 
amount of animals per land unit is also comparable. In general, 
the area of arable land in the region is sparse which results in a 
lower input of mineral fertilizer compared to arable land regions 
like the “Kraichgau”. The latter is described in the next case 
3.2. Arable Land Region “Kraichgau” 
The “Kraichgau” is located in Southern Germany in the North- 
West of Baden-Wiirttemberg which is the South-Western state 
of Germany. In the South-West of the “Kraichgau”, the Black 
Forest and in the North the Odenwald are adjoining. In the west 
the Rhine River and in the North-East the Neckar River frame 
the study area. The “Kraichgau” is the second case study and 
was investigated by Rohierse (2004) and Rohierse and Bareth 
For the MDA, four IRS-1C images were purchased for the years 
2000 and 2001 and a multitemporal land use classification was 
carried out (Rohierse and Bareth, 2004). In Fig. 4, the result of 
the analyses is shown. It is clearly visible, that compared to the 
land use map of the “Württembergisches Allgäu”, crop types 
were identified. But the differentiation between winter cereals 
and summer cereals was not satisfying. Therefore, all cereals are 
generalized in one land use class. 
Land Use “Kraichgau” 2001 
LL] Townships Boundary Maize 
Residentialindustrial HS Sugar Beet 
Forest Cereal 
Garden/Sportsground 3 Pasture 
Speci ü x 15 Kime 
gero S uS e 
Figure 4. Crop type map for the “Kraichgau” (Rohierse, 2004) 
The generated crop type data is essential for improving the 
regional disaggregation of N-fertilizer input data. The improved 
method is presented in Fig. 5 and was developed by Rohierse 
(2004) and Rohierse et al. (2002). As mentioned before, the 
MDA produces disaggregated land use data which can be used 
to link N-fertilizer input according to spatial-based rules. The 
spatial-based rules assume that the farmers' management is 
carried out according to good practice. This includes avoiding 
over-fertilization and satisfying laws regulating management in 
protection or special management zones. The advantage of this 
more detailed approach is the loss of the footprint of 
administrative units. The latter is visualized in Fig. 6, 7, and 8. 
according to 
good practise 
Base Multi-Data Final 
Geodata Approach Land Use 
* satellite data implementation of 
* ATKIS data agricultural statistics 
* soil map 
* DEM 
Figure 5. MDA for the “Kraichgau” (Rohierse, 2004) 
In Fig. 6 and Fig. 7, the MDA-based spatially disaggregated N- 
input from animal waste and mineral fertilizer are displayed. 
While the animal waste map still shows clearly administrative 
units, the mineral fertilizer map does not. The latter is caused by 
the distribution of N according to good practice in dependence 
of crop type. The N-input was spatially distributed according to 
N-removal and soil-N availability. Additionally, protection 
areas were considered as before for the “Wiirttembergisches 
Allgáu". The strong administrative footprint of the animal waste 
in Fig. 6 is caused by the data source, the livestock numbers per 
administrative unit. 
Arable Land Region “Kraichgau™ 
ii Township Border 
Animal Waste-N Fertilization 
UO: wenplow 
9m 1& Kamat 
Figure 6. Animal waste N-input (Rohierse, 2004) 
A 30 76 Wives 
Figure 7. Mineral N-input (Rohierse, 2004)

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