Full text: Technical Commission VIII (B8)

(XIX-B8, 2012 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B8, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
Precursor Date of observed Prediction of Deviation value Prediction of earthquake Prediction of the radius of 
iction of the radius of anomaly earthquake date (Dx) magnitude affected area (Km) 
ffected area (Km) TEC 11 May 12 May - 26 May -2.59 7-8 15.92-41.30 
15.92-41.30 10 May 11 May - 25 May -03.10 28 241.30 
»41.30 10 May 11 May - 25 May -03.07 >8 >41.30 
>41.30 9 May 10 May - 24 May -03.10 >8 >41.30 
15.92-41.30 9 May 10 May — 24 May -2.92 7-8 15.92-41.30 
15.92-41.30 9 May 10 May — 24 May -2.50 7-8 15.92-41.30 
15.92-41.30 8 May 9 May — 23 May -2.69 7-8 15.92-41.30 
15.92-41.30 8 May 9 May — 23 May -2.87 7-8 15.92-41.30 
15.92-41.30 8 May 9 May - 23 May -2.68 7-8 15.92-41.30 
241.30 2 May 3 May — 17 May -2.55 7-8 15.92-41.30 
15.92-41.30 O* Density 10 May 11 May - 25 May -2.18 7-8 15.92-41.30 
241.30 Total Ion Density 10 May 11 May - 25 May -2.28 7-8 15.92-41.30 
15.92-41.30 Ion Density 10 May 11 May - 25 May -2.05 7-8 15.92-41.30 
15.92-41.30 Electron Temperature 10 May 11 May - 25 May 41.98 6-7 6.14-15.92 
15.92-41.30 Electron Temperature 9 May 10 May - 24 May 11.73 6-7 6.14-15.92 
241.30 Electron Density 9 May 10 May - 24 May -1.86 6-7 6.14-15.92 
241.30 O* Density 9 May 10 May - 24 May -2.40 7-8 15.92-41.30 
15.92-41.30 Total Ion Density 10 May 11 May - 25 May -2.26 7-8 15.92-41.30 
241.30 Electron Density 10 May 11 May - 25 May -1.70 6-7 6.14-15.92 
6.14-51 Electron Density 3 May 4 May — 18 May +2.09 7-8 15.92-41.30 
15.92-41.30 O* Density 2 May 3 May — 17 May +2.37 7-8 15.92-41.30 
6.14-15.92 Total Ion Density 2 May 3 May — 17 May +2.13 7-8 15.92-41.30 
6.14-15.92 Electron Temperature 2 May 3 May - 17 May -3.22 >8 241.30 
15.92-41.30 Electron Temperature 1 May 2 May — 16 May +2.5 7-8 15.92-41.30 
15.92-41.30 Table 5. Different precursors concerning Sichuan earthquake (Akhoondzadeh, 2011). 
HS reaches 15% and 29%, on 9 and 10 May 2009, respectively 4. CONCLUSIONS 
15.92-41.30 i ; ru 
1592 (Table 5). The variations of electron density also indicate an 
increase of the order of 39%, from the normal state on 3 May In order to detect disturbed states that might be associated to 
2009 which is acknowledged by an anomaly in the total ion impending earthquake, the variations of different earthquake 
density of the order of 42%, at -22:30 LT, on 2 May 2009 precursors regarding the three earthquakes have been analyzed 
>15.92 (Table 5). According to this anomaly an earthquake with a in this study. It should be pointed out that one of the aims of 
magnitude between 7 and 8 would have been happened this study is to integrate capabilities of the different earthquake 
between 3 and 17 May 2009 and the radius of affected area precursors in appropriately detection of actual earthquake 
varies between 15.92 and 41.30 Km. The characteristics of anomalies. For each precursor the date, magnitude and radius 
21592 other detected anomalies can be found in Table 5. The of affected area parameters concerning the impending 
integration of earthquake parameters retrieved from different earthquake were estimated. By integrating the earthquake 
precursors indicates that an earthquake with a magnitude parameters resulted from all precursors the final earthquake 
21595 between 7 and 8 would have been happened between 12 and 20 parameters were estimated. In Samoa and Sichuan earthquakes 
May 2009. The radius of affected area is estimated to be the estimated date of impending earthquake coincides exactly 
between 15.92 and 41.30 Km. with registered date of earthquake (Table 7). It can be related to 
the different precursors (i.e. 14 and 6 precursors for Samoa and 
Sichuan cases, respectively) analyzed in these studied cases. It 
215.92 3.3 Borujerd, Iran earthquake means that the number and diversity of earthquake precursors 
can be leaded to precise estimation of earthquake parameters. 
Occurrence of more than 130 strong earthquakes (My, > 7.5) in The low number of precursors in case of Bourujerd has been 
the past centuries and almost daily earthquakes of magnitude resulted to low precise estimation of earthquake parameters 
2.36-6.14 3.0 in Iran makes it as a severe earthquake prone region. In (Table 7). It should be point out that earthquake anomaly can 
Borujerd, an earthquake with a magnitude M=6.1 took place be hidden in the high magnetic activity periods. Therefore only 
have been happened 
responding data with 
corded by DEMETER 
e 5. The transition in 
occurs at ~10:30 LT, 
 -24%. It reaches its 
the earthquake (Table 
gnitude greater than 8 
id 24 May 2009. Such 
emperature variations, 
undisturbed state 
at 01:17:01 LT on 31 Mar 2006 (see. Table 3). The LST 
variations exceed the predefind bounds on 25 March 2006 
(Saradjian and Akhoondzadeh, 2010). These anomaly indicates 
that an earthquake of magnitude around 6 would have been 
happened between 26 Mar and 10 Apr 2005. The IAP 
experiement measurements indicate that total ion density 
reaches to its maximum value on 30 Mar 2006 and that ion 
temperature exceeds the lower bound on 29 Mar 2006 (Table 6) 
(Akhoondzadeh, 2011). By inspection of predicted parameters 
obtained from different precursors, it is predicted that an 
earthquake of magnitude between 6 and 7 would have been 
happened between 01 and 08 Apr 2006. 
the pre-seismic plasma anomalies in geomagnetic quiet periods 
have been investigated in this study. However, it is necessary to 
take into account that the ionosphere has complicated behavior 
even under quiet geomagnetic condition and the measured 
parameters sometimes display variations in quiet seismic 
condition that can be associated to other unknown factors. The 
seismic anomalies represented in this paper are promising for 
the short term prediction but attention has to be paid that 
further investigation is required to obtain a very accurate 
regional model of quiet time for lithosphere, atmosphere and 
ionosphere to discriminate seismic precursors from the 
background of daily variations. 

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