Full text: Technical Commission VIII (B8)

8, 2012 
3D point cloud 
angulation, (c) 
res in each im- 
s performed us- 
Murray, 1997). 
the texture of 
d for use in the 
re implementa- 
process images 
tware package 
ally construct a 
hed image fea- 
era poses and 
mera. The re- 
elative camera 
position within 
ol points corre- 
fied in both the 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B8, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
(b) (c) 
Figure 3: Study Site: (a) Cape Banks (shown in red box) at 
Botany Bay, Sydney Australia, (b) existing aerial photography 
of the area (courtesy of Google Maps), (c) ground-based photo 
of the rock platform at low tide (photo taken week prior to data 
3D point cloud and existing geo-referenced aerial photography 
of the site were used via Horn's method (Horn, 1987) to compute 
a transformation of the pointcloud into 3D geo-referenced coor- 
dinates with absolute scale. Alternatively, ground control points 
could have been measured at the site for example using a hand- 
held Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver. 
A multi-view stereo reconstruction algorithm (Furukawa and Ponce, 
2010) based on the correlation score of dense patches in the over- 
lapping images was then used to produce a dense 3D point-cloud 
corresponding to a higher spatial resolution than by using SIFT 
features alone. This algorithm used the relative camera poses es- 
timated during bundle adjustment to triangulate dense image fea- 
tures and robustly remove outliers from the terrain point cloud. 
The resulting 3D pointcloud had a spatial density that depended 
on the level of texture in the environment and was usually within 
a small factor of the image pixel size (i.e. approximately one 3D 
feature for every 5-by-5 pixel patch on average). 
24 Photo-textured Terrain Model and Visualisation 
A triangulated terrain surface model was constructed from the 
3D pointcloud using Delaunay triangulation (Barber et al., 1996). 
For each face of the surface, the images corresponding to the 
coverage of the face were identified using the estimated relative 
poses of each camera. The images were ranked based on the 
distance between the point in the environment and the camera 
centre (and thus image resolution at this point). Each face was 
then applied with a photo-texture using a band-limited blending 
(Johnson-Roberson et al., 2010) of the closest four image patches 
at the surface face. The final 3D model was visualized using a 
level-of-detail rendering system (Johnson-Roberson et al., 2010) 
(to capture sub-centimeter details over the entire span of the map) 
and was used to additionally construct an orthographically recti- 
fied photo-mosaic of the area. 
The 3D model building process is illustrated in Figure 2. Figure 2 
(a) shows the initial 3D point cloud after multi-view stereo recon- 
Struction is applied. Figure 2 (b) illustrates the 3D surface mesh 
Constructed from triangulation. Figure 2 (c) shows the final 3D 
Figure 4: Photo-mosaic Reconstruction of an Intertidal Rockflat: 
(a) Existing aerial photography of the area (courtesy of Google 
Maps), (b) constructed photo-mosaic using kite-based images and 
processing pipeline. 
photo-textured model. The terrain reconstruction algorithms ben- 
efited from the large degree of overlap in the imagery; the view 
selection and band-limited-blending allowed for only the best im- 
ages of a given surface to be used in the final model, providing 
leeway for images taken from poor angles or with disturbances or 
occlusions such as shadowing. 
3.1 Experimental Setup 
Experiments were performed over an intertidal rock platform at 
Cape Banks (34.000°S, 151.249? E) on the north edge of Botany 
Bay, Sydney, Australia (see Figure 3). The site lies within a na- 
tional park aquatic reserve and is host to various intertidal species 
such as micro- and macro-algae, gastropods, snails and cunjevoi. 
Data collection was performed during low tide on a clear sunny 
day around midday to maximise image quality. Images were cap- 
tured continuously at an altitude of approximately 15-20m as the 
kite line was walked across a 100m-by-20m section of a rocky 
platform. The time taken to acquire images across the platform 
was approximately five minutes. 
2770 of the collected images were processed using the photogram- 
metric processing pipeline described above. The entire process- 

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