International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B8, 2012
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August - 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia
Precursor Date of observed Prediction of earthquake Deviation Prediction of earthquake Prediction of the radius of
anomaly date value (Dx) magnitude affected area (Km)
LST 25 Mar 26 Mar - 10 Apr 1.31 6-7 6.14-15.92 HY!
Total Ion Density 30 Mar 31 Mar - 14 Apr «1.54 6-7 6.14-15.92
Ion Temperature 29 Mar 30 Mar - 13 Apr +125 6-7 6.14-15.92
Table 6. Different precursors concerning Borujerd earthquake.
J. O. Akiny
Case Study Date Magnitude (My)
Registered Estimated Registered Estimated
Borujerd 31 Mar 2005 01 - 08 Apr 2006 6.1 6-7
Sichuan, China 12 May 2008 12 - 20 May 2008 79 7-8
Samoa Islands 29 Sep 2009 29 Sep — 06 Oct 2009 8.1 7-8
Table 7. Case studies accompanied by the registered and estimated earthquake parameters (Akhoondzadeh, 2011). ABSTRAC
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