Full text: Technical Commission VIII (B8)

XIX-B8, 2012 
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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B8, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
characterizing carbon balance. Pilot studies were conducted 
over representative watersheds in Northern India to collect 
fresh seasonal stream water sampling during Aug 2006-Feb 
Studies indicated that atmospheric CO; drawdown would be 
about 4.4 billion moles/yr for total area of about 2200 sq km of 
all three watersheds. Estimated annual dissolved carbon 
(DC=DIC+DOC, inorganic and organic) flux varies from about 
2.5 to 51 t/km?/year. Non monsoonal flux was observed to be 
half that of monsoonal flux. 
Using RUSLE and MMF models attempt was made to quantify 
potential soil loss and soil organic carbon loss for entire 
country with RS based inputs. Annual loss was estimated to be 
23.2 and 23.8 t/ha/yr and SOC loss of about 168 and 140 
kg/ha/yr. Out of major river basins, Brahmaputra basin was 
having highest soil erosion (~34 t/ha/yr) and SOC loss (~507 
kg/ha/yr avg.) where Ganga basin showed 130 kg/ha/yr SOC 
Thanks are due to ISRO-GBP programme for funding this 
project and extending all necessary support. 
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