XIX-B8, 2012
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B8, 2012
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia
Teng Fei *°, Andrew Skidmore °, Yaolin Liu *
? School of Resource and Environmental Science, Wuhan University, 129 LuoYuRoad, Wuhan, 430079, P.R. China
? Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), University of Twente, P.O. Box 217, 7500 AE, Enschede, The
Working Group, Theme or Special Session: VIII/6: Agriculture, Ecosystems and Bio-Diversity
KEY WORDS: thermal habitat, lizard, behavioural thermoregulation, ectotherm
Thermal environment is especially important to ectotherm because a lot of physiological functions rely on the body temperature such
as thermoregulation. The so-called behavioural thermoregulation function made use of the heterogeneity of the thermal properties
within an individual's habitat to sustain the animal's physiological processes. This function links the spatial utilization and
distribution of individual ectotherm with the thermal properties of habitat (thermal habitat). In this study we modelled the
relationship between the two by a spatial explicit model that simulates the movements of a lizard in a controlled environment. The
model incorporates a lizard's transient body temperatures with a cellular automaton algorithm as a way to link the physiology
knowledge of the animal with the spatial utilization of its microhabitat. On a larger spatial scale, ‘thermal roughness’ of the habitat
was defined and used to predict the habitat occupancy of the target species. The results showed the habitat occupancy can be
modelled by the cellular automaton based algorithm at a smaller scale, and can be modelled by the thermal roughness index at a
larger scale.
Among different environmental factors, thermal properties have
been used as an important indicator either for the terrestrial
animal or for the aquatic animal. Thermal environment is
especially important to ectotherm because a lot of physiological
functions rely on the body temperature such as
thermoregulation (Waldschmidt and Tracy, 1983).
To cope with the wide diversity of thermal qualities of habitat,
ectotherms are able to maintain body temperature by
continuously shifting their location. The so-called behavioural
thermoregulation function made use of the heterogeneity of the
thermal properties within an individual’s habitat to sustain the
animal’s physiological processes. This function links the spatial
utilization and distribution of individual ectotherm with the
thermal properties of habitat (thermal habitat).
Several studies had been focused on the relationship between
the thermal properties of land surface and reptile distribution:
On scale of microhabitat, we have evidences that the thermal
properties of rocks (Schlesinger and Shine, 1994) or shrubs
(Kerr et al, 2003) may influence whether reptiles use them as
shelters. Reptiles are also sensitive to thermal environment at
much larger scales: at continental and global scale, the richness
of reptile families is highest at low latitudes (Barnosky et al.,
2001). Spellerberg (Spellerberg, 1972) discussed in general the
Significant relationship between reptile thermoregulatory
behavior and distribution. However, Past researches were
mainly limited to reptiles’ habitat at very large scales, and
relatively little is known about how reptiles respond to
environmental temperatures at the micro and landscape scales
(Fischer and Lindenmayer, 2005).
In this study, we propose to develop an innovative method to
map and understand the thermal habitat use of a reptile. The
method is based on a spatially explicit dynamic model, which
simulate the changing thermal environment and the response of
the reptile at the same time.
2.1 Data collection
2.1.1 Thermal Environment
An experiment was carried out at a reptile zoo “Dierenpark De
Oliemeulen” during September, 2008 in Tilburg, the
Netherlands. A glass terrarium of size 245cm x 120cm x 115cm
was constructed. At the bottom of the terrarium, at least 10 cm
of gravel and sand were mixed to form a flat substrate surface.
Photoperiod was maintained at 14L:10D with a 100-Watt heat
lamp. An infrared heat lamp of 100W provided additional heat
input for 5 h during the middle of the photophase. Temperature
sensors (HoboTM temperature and relative humidity smart
sensors, Onset Computer Co.) were placed at a height of 10 cm
above the ground surface to record the air temperature inside
the terrarium. A 4-year-old male Timon lepidus was kept in the
terrarium for 10 days before the experiment started, in order that
the lizard could acclimatize to the new environment. The lizard
was fed on vegetables, crickets, newly born mice, and some
fruits such as apple and banana.
2.1.2 Animal Responses
Three IRISYS 1011 thermal imagers (each with a resolution of
16 x 16 pixels) were mounted in a row at 2m above the ground
surface of the terrarium, pointing down with a field-of-view