Full text: Technical Commission VIII (B8)

ellite derived 
sponse within 
This spatial 
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of the model 
ates LAI as a 
model, SAR 
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plumetric soil 
canopy layer, 
or coefficients 
B,C,D and E 
tal data. 4, B 
type. E is a 
ident on soil 
as follows: 
vere available 
n the WCM. 
is determined 
(2011) found 
1.0 the SAR 
butions, with 
only minimally contributions from soil moisture. For example, 
at a derived LAI of 3.0, 90% of the total canopy backscatter 
originates from vegetation contributions at C-band. For the 
AgriSAR data, the remaining parameters in the model (A, B, 
and E) were simultaneously determined using a nonlinear least 
squares method in the Matlab Curve Fitting Toolbox 
environment, based on the Levenberg-marquardt algorithm. 
A look up table (LUT) was produced based on the fitted WCM. 
LAI values for the look up table ranged from 0 to 8.0, in 
increments of 0.01. Soil moisture ranged from 0 to 50% in 0.5% 
intervals. The LUT was subsequently used to invert the SAR 
response. The K-nearest neighbour (KNN) search technique 
was used to find the K closed points in the LUT to a set of 
query points (in this case the SAR response). A KD tree was 
build to facilitate more efficient searching of the LUT. 
3.1 Sensitivity Analysis 
Correlations between RADARSAT-2 responses and optically 
derived LAI are presented in Table 2 and Figure 1. As observed 
for broadleaf crops, SAR parameters which characterize volume 
scattering from the canopy are most sensitive to grain LAL 
These parameters include the linear cross-polarization intensity 
(HV), entropy and the volume scattering component derived 
from the Freeman-Durden decomposition. Entropy is calculated 
by the Cloude-Pottier decomposition and is a measure of the 
randomness of scattering occurring within a target. As crops 
emerge and biomass accumulates, the degree of randomness in 
scattering would be expected to increase. 
SAR parameter Wheat Oats | Barley 
HH 0.58 0.41 0.26 
HV 0.91 0.89 0.52 
VV 0.26 -0.28 -0.46 
HV/HH ratio -0.78 -0.73 -0.75 
HV/VV ratio 0.84 0.71 0.80 
HH/VV ratio 0.69 0.75 0.80 
entropy 0.94 0.90 0.81 
pedestal height 0.87 0.70 0.63 
total power 0.62 0.28 0.08 
volume scattering 0.86 0.89 0.39 
Table 2. Correlation coefficients (R) betveen RADARSAT-2 
response and optically derived LAI 
The correlation between LAI for barley and SAR response was 
noticeably weaker than that reported for wheat and oats. 
Significant variation in optical reflectance from these barley 
fields was observed and may be indicative of greater variability 
in the growth of this Crop. 
Spring wheat Oat 
y-01783x +0.315 2 
y=0.0903x +0.48 
R 208923 
y - 0.0848x « 0.4435. 
03 WR 20.662 
Derived LAI 
Figure 1. Relationship between entropy and optically derived 
There are advantages and disadvantages in selecting either 
linear intensities or polarimetric variables for LAI estimation. 
The modelling of LAI from the intensity of backscatter, 
especially the intensity associated with the cross-polarization, 
will require a well calibrated sensor. However, many satellite 
sensors have imaging modes which provide HV backscatter data 
over wide swaths, necessary for large area monitoring. 
Provision of parameters from polarimetric decompositions 
(such as entropy and volume scattering) is restricted to imaging 
modes of limited swath. RADARSAT-2, for example, provides 
a wide fine quad-polarimetric mode which acquires data over a 
swath of only 50 km. 
3.2 Water Cloud Model 
The entropy parameter produced the strongest sensitivity to 
optically derived LAI. Consequently this parameter was 
selected for modelling the radar response, and for model 
inversion. Barley, oats, and wheat were pooled together for the 
purpose of fitting the WCM, and for model inversion. The 
degree of model fit is indicated by the coefficient of 
determination (R*). The fit of LAI and soil moisture to entropy, 
produced a coefficient of determination of 0.7. The fitted model 
is displayed in Figure 2. 

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