Full text: Technical Commission VIII (B8)

that wavelet transform performed better than the fourier 
transform. Kumar and Roy, 2010, has worked with add on 
bands in multi-spectral dataset of Worldview -2. This work has 
proposed class based sensor independent spectral band ratio 
NDVI approach for extracting crop information. Yang et al., 
2008, has identified that the accuracy of surface feature 
recognition is improved greatly, by introducing fuzzy statistics 
variables into classical principal component analysis (PCA) 
methods on applying to the multi-spectral Landsat ETM- data 
for image enhancement. Kumar and Saggar, 2008, have found 
that possibilstic fuzzy classifier can be used for single class 
extraction of interest. Class based ratio data was used as input 
in possibilistic fuzzy classifier and water class has been 
identified at sub-pixel level. It was also observed from this 
approach that shadow pixels were not mixing with water class 
pixels. Acharyya et al., 2003, has studied a feature extraction 
method based on m-band wavelet packet frames for segmenting 
remotely sensed images. These wavelet features are then 
evaluated and selected using an efficient neuro fuzzy algorithm. 
The effectiveness of the methodology was demonstrated on two 
four-band Indian Remote Sensing satellite (IRS-1A) images 
containing five to six overlapping classes and a three-band 
SPOT image containing seven overlapping classes. Dave 1991, 
has introduced the concept of characterization and detection of 
noise in clustering. He has presented the approach which is 
applicable to a variety of fuzzy clustering algorithms as well as 
regression analysis. Dave and Krishnapuram 1997, has studied 
that the classical approach to clustering based on variations of 
the K-means or the fuzzy c-means is not robust. The alternative 
formulations based on noise clustering or possibilistic 
clustering is robust in that they can be shown to be founded on 
robust statistics. Banerjee and Davé 2005, proposed a scheme, 
called as mega-clustering algorithm is shown to be robust 
against outliers. Another interesting property is its ability to 
distinguish between true outliers and non-outliers (vectors that 
are neither part of any particular cluster nor can be considered 
true noise). Robustness is achieved by scaling down the fuzzy 
memberships, as generated by FCM. A lot of work has been 
done in the field of single class extraction through time series 
multi-spectral data but while going through the literature it has 
been identified that the effects of various band ratio indices for 
fuzzy noise classifier along with crop phenology has not been 
explored in the past. 
To enhance the vegetation signal in remotely sensed data and 
provide an approximate measure of green vegetation amount, a 
number of spectral vegetation indices have been proposed. By 
combining data from multiple bands into single values, because 
they correlate the biophysical characteristics of the vegetation 
of the land cover from the satellite spectral signals. 
A common practice in the remote sensing is the use of band 
ratio to eliminate the various albedo effects. Jordan (1969), first 
presented the ratio vegetation index (RVI) or simple ratio (SR). 
Rouse et al, 1973, further suggested the most widely used 
normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) to improve 
identification of vegetated areas and their conditions. However, 
the NDVI index is saturated in high biomass and it is sensitive 
to a number of perturbing factors, such as atmospheric effects, 
cloud, soil effects, and anisotropic effects, etc. Therefore, a 
number of derivatives and alternatives to NDVI have been 
proposed in the scientific literature to address these limitations. 
Tucker (1979), presented a transformed normalized difference 
vegetation index (TNDVI) by adding a constant 0.5 to NDVI 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B8, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
and taking the square root. It always has positive values and the 
variances of the ratio are proportional to mean values. TNDVI 
indicates a slight better correlation between the amount of green 
biomass and that is found in a pixel (Senseman ef al. 1996). To 
reduce the impact to the NDVI from the soil variations in lower 
vegetation cover areas, Huete (1988) proposed a soil-adjusted 
vegetation index (SAVI) by introducing a correction factor L 
(Zhengwei et al., 2008). Broge and Leblanc (2000), developed 
triangular vegetation index (TVI), which describes the radiative 
energy absorbed by the pigments as a function of the relative 
difference between red and near-infrared reflectance in 
conjunction with the magnitude of reflectance in the green 
region, where the light absorption by chlorophyll a and b is 
relatively insignificant. Table 1 show different indices studied 
in this work. 
Vegetation Index Equation References 
Birth and 
Pp. McVey, 
Simple Ration (SR) SR = EE 1968; 
td Colombo et 
Rouse et 
Normalized al., 1973; 
Difference NDVI = Fair — Pred Deering et 
Vegetation Index Pair + Fred al. 1975; 
(NDVI) Huete et al., 
; ; Huete and 
Sal Se 1 + LY Bir Fred) Liu, 1994; 
Vegetation Index SAVI pr Rania B 
(SAVI) nir * ^ red al mm 
Triengular TVI =0.5(120(P,ir — Pereen)) | Broge and 
Vegetation Index - 200(P ed 7 Preen Ter. 
Transformed Tucker, 
Normalized 1 1979 
Difference 2 nir — Pred }- 0.5 ? 
Vegetation Index Bair + Pred 
Table 1: Various indices studied in this work 
The concept of "Noise Cluster' is introduced such that noisy 
data points may be assigned to the noise class. The approach is 
developed for objective functional type (K-means or fuzzy K- 
means) algorithms, and its ability to detect 'good' clusters 
amongst noisy data is demonstrated. Clustering methods need to 
be robust if they are to be useful in practice. Uncertainty is 
imposed simultaneously with multispectral data acquisition in 
remote sensing. It grows and propagates in processing, 
transmitting and classification processes. This uncertainty 
affects the extracted information quality. Usually, the 
classification performance is evaluated by criteria such as the 
accuracy and reliability. These criteria cannot show the exact 
quality and certainty of the classification results. Unlike the 
correctness, no special criterion has been put forth for 
evaluation of the certainty and uncertainty of classification 
results. It follows the uncertainty problem in multispectral data 
classification process. Several uncertainty criteria are 
introduced and applied in order to evaluate the classification 
performance as membership value generation have been shown 
in equation (1) and (2). 
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