Full text: Technical Commission VIII (B8)

X-B8, 2012 
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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B8, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
Hj. ; 7 (dj, di, O, m) () 
where 1=k=c 
uer] dim) Q) 
0 >0, any float value greater than zero. 
The objective function, which satisfies this requirement, may 
be formulated as; 
u = S u.d N Ó (3) 
Uu. d) 02 u 
(i rd ij ij EK kc p 
V »0, any float value greater than zero 
Ö >, any float value greater than zero 
Where 8 >m>1, (any constant float value more than 1) 
N= row * column (image size 
i= stands for pixel position at i? location distance between X; 
and Vj 
2 2 T 
V; 7 Mean Vector for each class 
The study area taken for this research work was Aurangabad 
(19° 53' N, 75? 23' E) region, in Maharashtra state in India 
shown in figure 1. In this study remotely sensed images of 
Indian Remote Sensing Satellite (IRS-P6) were selected for 
cotton crop identification. In Aurangabad district the area under 
cotton is comparatively higher than the other crops. Due to the 
higher area under cotton cultivation and production of raw 
cotton, the stakeholders involves in the cotton supply chain are 
interdependent. For this purpose temporal images of Advanced 
Wide Field Sensor (AWIFS) and Linear Imaging Self Scanner 
sensor (LISS-III) with spatial resolution of 56m and 23.5m 
respectively where used. LISS-III time-series multi-spectral 
satellite data was used for testing purpose. Different datasets of 
the time series multi-spectral images were taken for further 
classification. These datasets were taken for making the 
inference of suitable time-series images. Total five scenes of 
the study areas were available. The datasets for AWIFS and 
LISS-III are shown in table 2. 
Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 
May Nov Dec May Nov Dec 
2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 
Nov Dec Jan Nov Dec Jan 
2010 2010 2011 2010 2010 2011 
Dec Jan Feb Dec Jan Mar 
2010 2011 2011 2010 2011 2011 
Jan Feb Jan Mar 
2011 2011 2011 2011 
Feb Mar 
2011 2011 
Table 2: AWIFS and LISS-III Datasets 
IRS-P6 LISS-III data are well suited for agricultural and 
forestry monitoring. LISS-III (IRS-P6) time-series multi- 
spectral satellite data was used as testing data for accuracy 
assessment. The coarse resolution images should be co- 
registered against the fine resolution images. The characteristic 
of the AWIFS and LISS-III sensor have been mentioned in 
Table 3. The spatial pixel ratio between classification image 
AWIFS and testing image LISS-III is 1:3, means that the one 
pixel of AWIFS image is equal to nine pixels of LISS-III 
image. Total five temporal scenes of LISS-III data were used 
for generating testing data sets. The datasets are shown in table 
2. In India cotton season start from last week of May and it runs 
up to end of February. Depending on temperature and variety, 
50 to 85 days are required from planting to first bud formation, 
25 to 30 days for flower formation and 50 to 60 days from 
flower opening to mature ball. No clear distinction can be made 
in crop growth periods since vegetative growth is continued 
during flowering and ball formation and flowering is continued 
during ball formation. 
IGFOV 56 m (nadir) 23.5m 
70m (at field 
Spectral Bands B2: 0.52-0.59 B2: 0.52-0.59 
B3: 0.62-0.68 B3: 0.62-0.68 
B4: 0.77-0.86 B4: 0.76-0.86 
B5: 1.55-1.70 B5: 1.55-1.70 (SWIR) 
Swath 370 km each head | 141 km 
740 km 
Data 10 bit 7 bit (VNIR), 10 bit 
Quantization (SWIR) 
Table 3: Sensor specification of Resource Sat-1 (P6) satellite 
May 2010  Nov.2010 | Dec.2010 Jan 2010 Mar 2010 
Figure 1: Study area depicted through temporal LISS-III images 
The AWIFS and LISS-III images were stacked in three (03) 
datasets. Considering the life-cycle of cotton crop, the Sets were 
established with the aim to get the most suitable time-series 
images, combining different multi-date in each set. 

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