Full text: Technical Commission VIII (B8)

IX-B8, 2012 
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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B8, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
2 2000 4000 6900 3900 10000 
Figure 4. NDVI statistics from time-series representing the 
mean values for each group with different textural 
compositions, based on the amount of fine-grained sediments 
The analysis of the pair of MODIS triplets allied to the 5-year 
NDVI time-series analysis and its seasonality parameters show 
clearly the possibility of estimating the sediment granulometry 
remotely through the behavior of the vegetation along the dry 
and rainy seasons. Each granulometric interval of the studied 
samples is associated with vegetation that has a particular intra- 
annual variability. This allows the proposal of a subdivision of 
the Pantanal in geological and environmental homologous sub- 
areas. The spatial distribution of these data can be done in pairs 
of MODIS images in the dry and rainy seasons, which were able 
to meet this demand. 
This vegetation analysis seems to be a good method for 
providing indirect information about the sediment 
granulometry. Since soils have different moisture holding and 
drainage capacities, areas with higher amounts of fine-grained 
sediments presented higher index values in the dry season, 
when water disponibility is more critical, and presented lower 
NDVI seasonal amplitude, while areas with predominantly 
sandy sediments which dry out deeply during the dry season, 
presented a higher variation in NDVI seasonal amplitude, and 
lower NDVI values. In the rainy season water is not a limiting 
resource, and the NDVI values are higher in all sediment types, 
especially between November and begin of April, when the 
rainfalls occur. 
Higher NDVI values reflect high leaf area and great vigor and 
photosynthetic capacity (or greenness) of vegetation canopy, 
whereas lower NDVI values for the same time period are 
reflective of vegetative stress resulting in chlorophyll reductions 
and changes in the leaves internal structure due to wilting (Gu 
et al, 2008). These authors found that correlations between 
MODIS 500-m satellite indices and the soil moisture index are 
highly dependent on both the level of land cover heterogeneity 
and soil type. We did not take in consideration the vegetation 
heterogeneity, because we worked with groups with different 
textural compositions, using mean phenological profiles, which 
attenuates the vegetation differences between sample sites. 
Probably when working with each sample profile, it will be 
Interesting to take into account the vegetation type. Although, 
these authors found that NDVI and Normalized Difference 
Water Index (NDWI) had high statistically significant 
correlations with the 25-cm layer soil moisture, which indicates 
that this indices have slightly stronger responses to the soil 
moisture variation at this depth, what is consistent with our 
The only sub-areas that did not follow this pattern were the ones 
that are inundated most of the year and the sandy areas that 
were not affected by inundations. This was due specially 
because they presented low NDVI amplitude most of the year, 
presenting almost the same behavior along the seasons. 
The seasonality parameters showed motivating data, but could 
be interesting analyzing each sample separately to understand 
the variations between different sub-regions in Pantanal, take 
into account the predominant vegetation type in the sampled 
area and its associations with the rainfall. The high inter-annual 
variability of rainfall in the region results in variability in the 
flooding regimes, and possibly in the phenological profiles. 
Adami et al. (2008) emphasized that, in the Pantanal, different 
kinds of vegetation receive different amounts of rainfall, in 
different locations and, consequently, have different spectral 
responses. So, the small variations in mean peak time might be 
the result of intra-regional rainfall differences, since the rainfall 
is significantly higher in some parts of the surrounding uplands 
of Pantanal, particularly in the north (EDIBAP unpubl. rep. 
apud Hamilton et al, 1997). The general inter-annual behavior, 
however, is maintained despite the inevitable variations due to 
local rainfall and different vegetation types that occur in the 
area, from dense forests to savannas with low rates of leaf area. 
The maximum values in NDVI between the groups were not 
very different, and it may be due to NDVI limitations. 
According to Jensen (2009), since this is an index based on 
ratio (non-linear), it can be influenced by the additive effects of 
noise, such as additive atmospheric effects like path radiance. 
Besides that, the NDVI is very sensitive to the substrate under 
the canopy, where the higher values occur with darker 
substrates. Nevertheless, the main limitation of the NDVI is the 
saturation problem over lands with high biomass such as 
tropical forest. 
In general, this method showed useful, and the coarse resolution 
from MODIS (250-m) was considered adequate for showing 
granulometric tendencies in Pantanal, although it has to take in 
consideration the great size of this wetland. So, other regional 
scale areas need to be investigated to draw stronger conclusions 
about the robustness of the methodology. If confirmed for other 
regions, the coarse resolution time-series method will enable 
low-cost detection and mapping of the granulometry of large 
areas. Furthermore, phenological data profiles should be 
increased to complete the available data series (2000 to 2011) in 
order toreduce the lossof information due to clouds 
and atmospheric influences. Other vegetation indices, like 
NDWI, Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) and Leaf Area Index 
(LAI), with wider profiles also might gave significant 
improvements in the understanding of the relationship between 
the vegetation and the sediments granulometry. 
Results from this study indicate that there is a high relationship 
between drought-related changes in vegetation extracted from 
NDVI and sediment texture, parameter that plays an important 
role in soil moisture, influencing the vegetation response to 
droughts. This method showed very good results on accessing 
sediment texture from vegetation phenology and improved our 
understanding of how phenological profiles vary over different 
granulometric sediments over space and time. 
In conclusion, 16-day MODIS NDVI time-series may be used 
for detecting granulometry tendencies and mapping 
granulometric homologous areas with similar behavior in 
Pantanal. Although, it is necessary to take in consideration that 

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