Full text: Technical Commission VIII (B8)

(IX-B8, 2012 
l - a program for 
ta, Computers and 
flood-watch from 
n Space Research, 
e E.T., Possingham 
uacy in dynamic 
ion of vegetation 
 Pantanal wetland. 
rrent and potential 
cisions on drought 
view. Agricultural 
R., 2011. Imagens 
) Pantanal em áreas 
ogas: resultados 
de Sensoriamento 
plos, vegetaçäo uso 
Janeiro. pp. 448. 
ybrid approach to 
ver transition from 
from the Bolivian 
ment, 115, pp. 353- 
2007. Analysis of 
ex data for crop 
1s. Remote Sensing 
2010/52614-4) for 
o CAPES for the 
iro de Almeida to 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B8, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
E.M. Perry", G.J. Fitzgerald", N. Poole’, S. Craig, A. Whitlock 
? Department Primary Industries, Future Farming Systems Research, 110 Natimuk Rd. Horsham VIC 3401 Australia - 
(eileen.perry, glenn.fitzgerald) 9 dpi.vic.gov.au 
? Foundation for Arable Research, Lincoln 7640 NZ - poolen@far.org.nz 
¢ Birchip Cropping Group, Birchip VIC 3483 Australia - simon@bcg.org.au 
4 Precision.agriculture.com.au - Andrew @precisionagriculture.com.au 
KEY WORDS: Agriculture, Farming, Vegetation, Sensor, Spatial, Real-time 
Commercially available proximal sensors are being used in precision agriculture to provide non-destructive, real-time spatial 
information on ‘green biomass’ that may be of interest to the remote sensing community. The sensors are described as biomass 
sensors, but questions remain on which canopy characteristics can be best estimated by the sensor measurements. In this study 
Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) measurements from active optical sensors were examined across multiple datasets, 
representing different active optical sensors, different years, and different sites for wheat and barley. The NDVI values were 
compared with spatially and temporally coincident measurements of fractional green cover and above ground biomass, expressed as 
dry matter in kg ha’. Direct comparison of NDVI measurements from the different sensors for the same plots over a range of canopy 
cover demonstrates differences for plot means of NDVI. Canopy fractional green cover values were well described by NDVI using a 
linear model. Using all of the datasets, the linear regression of fractional green cover on NDVI yielded an r? of 0.71 and a standard 
error of 0.12. NDVI measured by the sensors did not explain as much of the variance in dry matter as for fractional cover. Dry matter 
was related to NDVI using a non-linear model. For all sensors, sites and dates with green biomass, the model was fitted with r^ value 
of 0.27, and standard error of 2133 kg ha‘, The relationship between NDVI and dry matter was nearly linear at levels of biomass less 
than 1000 kg ha''. Results for these datasets indicate that the active optical sensors may be a useful surrogate for fractional cover, but 
not for above ground biomass. 
Commercially available proximal sensors are being used in 
precision agriculture to provide non-destructive, real-time 
spatial information on ‘green biomass’. These active optical 
sensors utilise built-in light sources, pulsed to differentiate the 
artificial signal from sunlight. This gives these sensors a 
tremendous advantage over passive optical sensors (such as 
ground-based spectrometers) in that they can be used under any 
sky conditions, or even in complete darkness. The sensors are 
described as biomass sensors, but questions remain on what 
canopy characteristics the sensors best relate to. There is a 
relevance to the remote sensing community in that these sensors 
could potentially provide ground truth on fractional ground 
cover and/or plant biomass. In this study Normalized Difference 
Vegetation Index (NDVI; Rouse et al. 1973) measurements 
from active optical sensors were examined across multiple 
datasets, representing different active optical sensors, different 
years, and different sites for wheat and barley grown under 
rainfed conditions. 
Several sites and sensor combinations were used for this study: 
*Small plot agronomic trials near Horsham Vic (36° 44° S 
latitude, 142° 06’ E longitude) on various cultivars of wheat 
(Triticum aestivum L) for the years 2007, 2008, and 2010. Two 
sensor models were used, the Crop Circle ACS-210 and Crop 
Circle ACS-470 (Holland Scientific Inc, Lincoln NE, USA). 
: Corresponding author. 
Large plot agronomic trials near Lubeck VIC (36° 46’ 42” S 
latitude, 142? 30' 33" W longitude) on wheat (Triticum 
aestivum L cv. Derrimut) for 2009 and 2010. Two sensor 
models were used, the Greenseeker handheld (NTech Industries, 
Ukiah CA, USA) and Crop Circle ACS-470 (Holland Scientific 
Inc, Lincoln NE, USA). 
ePaddock scale agronomy trials on eight paddocks near 
Inverleigh VIC (144? 2" 17" W, 38? 9' 0" S) on wheat 
(Triticum aestivum L cv. Derrimut) and barley (H. vulgare L. 
cv. Gairdner) during 2009 and 2010. A Crop Circle ACS-470 
was used to measure NDVI. 
Sensor measurements were made throughout the growing 
season for the Lubeck and Inverleigh trials, and until anthesis 
(flowering) for the Horsham trials. Sensor measurements were 
made with the sensor head situated 1 to 1.5 m above the canopy, 
with the sensor field of view spanning across rows. The NDVI 
values were either computed from the red and near infrared 
bands (Holland Scientific sensors) or output directly from the 
sensor (Greenseeker). Estimates of fractional green cover were 
made using colour photographs following methods described in 
Li el al. 2010 for each of the sensor data acquisitions. Above 
ground biomass (dry matter in kg ha!) was determined by 
biomass cuttings for the plots and paddock scale sample 
locations at key crop growth stages that corresponded with 
sensor acquisitions. Regression and non linear model fitting 
were performed using GenStat (Payne et al. 2009). 

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