Full text: Technical Commission VIII (B8)

detailed contour information could be attempted through 
GPS and photogrammetric techniques. 
Based on the nature of work in watershed management, a 
study was planned with three levels of objectives, namely, 
strategic, tactical and operational. The strategic objectives 
dealt with the characterization of macro-watersheds by 
computing sediment yield index through a rapid assessment 
of soil resources and current land use from small scale 
maps (1:250,000 scale), followed by the determination of 
priority with consideration to agro-climatic and socio- 
economic conditions. The tactical objectives of preparing a 
project plan was an inventory of land resources on sub- 
watershed basis, using medium scale maps (1:50,000 
scale). Finally the operational objectives was to fulfill 
through detailed inventory of land resource of a micro 
watershed using large scale maps (1:10,000 scale) to 
implement the program of work. 
The following broad recommendations could be offered for 
improving the watershed development in the three districts 
of Rajastan for bringing visible impact on the ground: 
1. From the rain fall patterns of last decade, it is observed 
that sudden flash floods emanated from heavy rainfall are 
rare and rainfall pattern is consistent or below average. 
Hence it is being suggested that appropriate rain water 
harvesting structures with requisite height should be 
2. Plantation should be implemented in areas where soil 
condition is good and water sources are there to take care 
of initial months of the plantation, for their survival; 
3. Too many Checkdams and Khadins should be avoided 
on the same drainage basin; 
4. Appropriate cropping pattern suitable to the soil 
conditions and rainfall pattern should be promoted rather 
than conventional agriculture practice, which is posing non- 
5. As drinking need is very acute Tonkas need to be 
promoted for water storage for human and animals; 
6. Development of bore wells and tube wells where ground 
water is not saline and water resources are available, may 
be considered; 
7. Agro forestry for fuel wood and pasture development for 
fodder in suitable agri lands, needs immediate attention; 
8. Stabilisation of sand dunes need to be immediately taken 
up in Jaiselmer and Barmer Districts; 
9. Dairy has lot of promise in the region and has proved to 
be a good economical and livelihood support activity and 
needs extensive promotion; 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B8, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
10. Sprinkler and Drip irrigation need to be promoted 
wherever there is agriculture activities by ground water 
utilisation. Under innovative practices, additional subsidies 
may be considered for solar systems, biogas, sprinkler and 
drip irrigation etc, for integrated development of watershed; 
11. Selection of watersheds should be purely on the basis of 
scientific basis with Block wise or District wise 
12. DPRs to be generated with Geoinformatics application 
or at best with the consideration of slope, aspect, drainage, 
land use and land cover factors; 
13. For promoting scientific inputs in the watershed 
planning, monitoring and evaluation, value added satellite 
data could be procured from NRSC, Hyderabad or 
assistance from regional GIS Centres situated at Guwahati, 
Bhubaneswar, Ahmedabad and Hyderabad, in addition to 
the CGARD, NIRD may be approached; 
14. Inventory and mapping of all existing structures before 
the start of work, by a GPS should be mandatory in DPR 
Generation, and these GPS generated GIS maps should be 
properly superimposed on the other base maps and satellite 
images as pre project scenario. At least One GPS on each 
block in the country is a necessity. Now hand held models 
of GPS are having in built cameras also. GPSs of accuracy 
up to 5-6 meters may be a good option for inventory and 
two dimensional mapping of watershed works. GPS is also 
available in Cell Phones now-a-days and a good precise 
hand held GPS could be available for Rs 50,000(US $ 
15. Open source software like Quantum GIS and low priced 
Indigenous Software like Gram++ can be promoted at 
Block level and District level which are user friendly and 
easy to learn for having direct read, view, analyze and print 
capacity in native formats like shape for vector and many 
common raster formats; 
16. As desert areas are very difficult areas for selection of 
proper sites for waters harvesting structures and as 
structures like Khadin, Dhora and Tonka(Local Traditional 
Water Harvesting Structures) etc consumes most of the 
funds, a separate per ha. cost norms for desert areas, should 
be considered; 
17. In most of the present structures, additional deepening 
may cause break of base layer which causes more seepage 
of water to downwards which nobody knows which aquifer 
is going to be recharged by that water. This can in tum 
cause negative impact of activity; 
18. Lack of Proper rates for new and innovative activities, 
frequent revision of rates is required: Districts in Rajasthan 
are having separate BSR for each district which is based 
on various prevailing BSR rates of forest, Irrigation and 
PWD etc. The rates remained constant for a longer duration 
than the change in the market rates of material. BSR rates 
should be revised and changed frequently keeping the pace 
with materials market. 
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