Full text: Technical Commission VIII (B8)

XXIX-B8, 2012 
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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B8, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
[1 study sites selection 
gC/m2 year 
0.0001 - 11,8058 
11,8060 - 37 3029 
37,3000 . 75,8788 
HS 75.0700. 120.1970 
TEE 130.1971 - 2500,0000 
Figure 2: Study sites used for the fire cci BA project. The estimated emissions based on the GFEDv3 (van der Werf et al., 2010) 
database are used as the background 
change detection, contextual-regional analysis and fire 
A Round-Robin exercise was conducted between October, 2011 
and January 2012 to test the most relevant existing BA 
algorithms, and rank their performance with the different input 
sensors. The goal of this exercise was to select the best 
performing algorithm for global production of burned area 
maps. The exercise was open to public participation. The same 
metrics used for validation were computed for each BA output. 
Once the best performing algorithm is selected, a merging 
process will be developed to create a synthetic BA product from 
the three BA pixel products (A-ATSR, VGT and MERIS). 
Finally, the complete processing chain will be applied at global 
scale for five selected years (1999, 2000, 2003, 2005 and 2008), 
to demonstrate the operational conditions of both the pre- 
processing and BA algorithms. 
3.5 Validation 
Validation of the BA product will be performed by comparing 
BA outputs with reference fire perimeters generated from 
Landsat-TM/ETM+ multitemporal images. A standard protocol 
based on the CEOS LPV recommendations was generated and 
agreed between the internal validation teams to extract fire 
perimeters from Landsat data, based on a semi-automatic 
algorithm (Bastarrika et al., 2011). The validation exercise will 
aim to measure both spatial and temporal accuracy and 
precision. The spatial assessment will be based on a sample of 
110 multitemporal Landsat pairs acquired in 2008, while the 
temporal stability will be measured from a temporal series of 
one Landsat scene for each of the ten study sites previously 
Validation metrics will be based on computation of the user and 
producer accuracy (Congalton and Green, 1999) for each 
Landsat scene, as well as the consistency and temporal stability 
of those accuracy measurements. 
3.6 Use of BA data in models 
BA information generated by the fire cci project will be 
compared with other global BA products currently available 
(GFED3 and MCD45), to check common trends and potential 
problems. Modellers within the fire_cci consortium will test the 
BA information in atmospheric and carbon cycle models to 
analyze its advantages and limitations. 
4.1 Pre-processing 
The fire_cci is a three year project that is currently running. The 
current development is focusing on the production of corrected 
reflectances from the three input sensors (A-ATSR, VGT and 
MERIS) and the generation of the BA and merging algorithms. 
Currently, the full temporal series of corrected reflectances 
(along with the water, snow and cloud masks) for all ten study 
sites and sensors is available for three years (2005, 2006 and 
2008), and the full time series (1995-2009) for the Australia site 
is being processed. This pre-processing of input data is quite 
critical to assure a coherent time series for BA production, but it 
is also very demanding in terms of computing time, including 
the tailoring of the global orbits to the coordinates of the study 
sites. The process for all sites is expected to finish in March, 
4.2 Validation datasets 
The reference fire perimeters derived from Landsat-TM/ETM+ 
images are ready for the temporal validation, which includes 
sets of Landsat pairs for 10-15 years for each study site (fig. 3). 
This validation dataset will be used to estimate the accuracy, 
consistency and temporal stability of the BA product. 
Another validation dataset is being developed, which will aim to 
perform the spatial validation for the global product. A stratified 
random sampling has been performed to select representative 
Landsat scenes for different biomes according to the estimated 
fire occurrence by the MODIS BA product in 2008. 
The fire cci project as part of the ESA effort to generate ECV 
to meet the needs of the global climate community, is trying to 
generate accurate, consistent and stable time series of BA 
information based on European sensors. The BA outputs are 

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