Full text: Technical Commission VIII (B8)

38, 2012 
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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B8, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
trajectory under the current economy, since it is a stable land 
use and less reversible (Lambin et al., 2003). 
The analysis of the spectral-temporal profiles of EVI2 from 
MODIS permitted the identification of the principal LUC 
patterns and transitions of the Soy Moratorium polygons. The 
evalution of a hundred different areas during 11 years was only 
possible thanks to the information and functionalities available 
in the MODIS Time Series Visualization for Land Use and 
Cover (Freitas et al., 2011). 
For the first stratum, i.e., the polygons not converted to soy 
until 2011, characteristic features of forest degradation before 
the deforestation process were identified in 80% of the 
polygons. However, in the majority of them, total clearing of 
the area for more intensive use was not confirmed. In this 
group, occurrences of the regrowth process predominated in 
2011, in which part of these areas could also be exploited with 
extensive cattle raising during the regrowth process. The LUC 
trajectory with the highest occurrence in this strata was: forest — 
degradation — regrowth/regrowth with pasture. 
Those converted to soy in 2011, pertaining to stratum 2, it was 
possible the identification of the moment of total clearing of the 
forest in nearly all of the cases as a marked characteristic. In 
addition, the presence of the agricultural class as a transitional 
LUC pattern between the total clearing of the area and the 
definitive planting of soy occurred in the vast majority of cases. 
This pattern had an average duration of two harvests, 
considered by the farmer to be a sufficient period for the 
correction and preparation of the soil for the entrance of soy. 
Finally, the two predominant LUC trajectories in this stratum 
were: 1) forest — forest degradation — total clearing of the area — 
agricultural cultivation (predominantly rice) — soy; 2) forest — 
total clearing of the area — agricultural cultivation 
(predominantly rice) — soy. 
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