Full text: Technical Commission VIII (B8)

Bouleta, G.; 
ounia, A: 
djesa, J.C.B.; 
ougenota, B.; 
enology and 
n the use of 
iration, crops 
id remotely- 
gric. Water 
Pattey, E., 
of leaf area 
irements over 
|. capability 
. Continents". 
etation index 
Niel, T. G, 
Walthall, C. 
, Huemmrich, 
ation of land 
af area index 
> and Remote 
41(6): 1260- 
3a index from 
raphy over 
and Forest 
V., Huete, A. 
00. Leaf area 
nsed data and 
zion. Remote 
. F. M. 2011 
r the online 
Iterception in 
. Biosystems 
i, R., Bocchi, 
| of LAI-2000 
n paddy rice. 
M.R., 2000. 
ex meters in a 
Evaluation of 
icts for wheat 
SPRS Journal 
ensing 63(6): 
ng Leaf Area 
ing: Theories, 
9(4): 2719- 
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