Full text: Technical Commission VIII (B8)

IX-B8, 2012 
The other way is 
eflectance derived 
; wave propagation 
lls were generated 
ze of each cell had 
the sampling rate. 
' corresponding to 
d by using initial 
sections. And the 
; both the intensity 
ie echo signal was 
petween sub laser 
ator implemented 
rticle with highest 
| understand the 
llowing two steps: 
the generation of 
iput variables were 
tion angle (degree 
of the forest object 
tion vector of laser 
illumination angle 
aser beams. The Z 
"wpoint, in order to 
;veral illumination 
cedure were the 
sub laser beam, 
and the target, the 
f target type. Next, 
variables were the 
based on the flag. 
a csv file of echo 
lowing steps. The 
ect as the ground. 
in 3DCG software. 
, illumination angle 
st object, as initial 
beams with in the 
ial point based on 
1g the illumination 
r the forest object. 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B8, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
(8) Adjustment of the position of the forest and the ground 
object to fix viewpoint. 
(9) Execution of a ray tracing between the objects and the initial 
(10) Output of the position of initial points, intersections, the 
intensity and the flag of object type. 
- Generation of echo signal- 
(1) Read of the output file. 
(2) Input of the reflectance of each object, the sapling rate and 
the illumination angle. 
(3) Generation of cells using the sampling rate and the 
illumination angle. 
(4) Calculation of intensity of each particle using its intensity 
and the reflectance of target type. 
(5) Decision of the start position of particle of a sub laser beam 
using the distance between initial positions of each laser 
beam and the intersection. 
(6) Summation of the intensity at cells. 
(7) Output of the echo signal as csv format and display of the 
graph of the echo signal. 
Several simulation cases were tested in order to examine a 
performance of the developed simulator. Table 2 shows lists of 
simulation cases. The footprint size and the reflectance of target 
types used common values in all simulation cases. The footprint 
size was 10m. The reflectance of the forest and the ground were 
0.5% and 0.3%, respectively. 
No. Species Tree Phenology Illumination The 
density angle ground 
(degree) slope 
1 Japanese low summer 0 0 
2 Japanese low summer 6 0 
3 Japanese low summer 0 30 
4 Japanese low summer 0 -30 
5 Japanese low summer 6 30 
6 Japanese low summer 6 -30 
7 Japanese high summer 0 0 
8 Japanese high summer 6 0 
9 Japanese high summer 0 30 
10 Japanese high summer 0 -30 
ll Japanese high summer 6 30 
l2 Japanese high summer 6 -30 
l3  Zelkova isolated summer 0 0 
l4 Zelkova isolated winter 0 0 
Table 2. The list of simulation cases 
Figure 1 shows several samples of initial conditions of the 
simulated scenarios. Figure 1 (a), (b), (c) and (d) stands for 
corresponding to scenario no.l, no.3, no.13 and no.l4, 
respectively. The discus object above the forest or the tree 
object stands for an irradiated area of a laser beam. The plane 
object under the forest and the tree object stands for the ground. 
In case of these simulations, the ground plane was generated 
(c) (d) 
Figure 1. Overview of several samples of initial conditions of 
the simulated scenarios. (a), (b), (c) and (d) stands for 
corresponding to scenario number 1, 3, 13 and 14, respectively. 
7.1 The difference of echo signals between conical shaped 
and bowl shaped canopy. 
Figure 2 is the echo signals of scenario no.l and no.13, 
respectively. As a result of analysis of the echo signals, the first 
peak corresponded to surface of object and the second peak 
corresponded to the ground. 
4 pres ne Vries 
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Figure 2. The simulated echo signals of scenario no.1 (a) and 
no.13 (b) 

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