Full text: Technical Commission VIII (B8)

In the first stage, with the aerial photographs covering the 
surveyed area as the input data, our stereo processing system 
produces a dense digital surface model (DSM) of the area. 
Based on this, the digital terrain model (DTM) or bare-earth is 
estimated based on the DSM, ortho-rectified colour image, and 
ortho-rectified infra-red image through our novel DEM 
estimation algorithm. Then we obtain the average tree height of 
the area by comparing the DSM and DEM, thus acquire the tree 
height map for the forest management GIS system. 
Then the proposed GIS system takes the tree height map as its 
basic input data. It is possible to display the following data in 
the proposed GIS system, such as DSM, orthophoto and forest 
base map that includes the area boundary data, tree species, 
land owner and etc. The proposed GIS system also provides 
interactive interface to estimate the stand density of tree and 
then further to get forest resource based on the stand density 
and the tree height map. Users of the system can easily estimate 
the forest resources such as the volume of lumbers or that of 
lumber remnants along newly built road. The estimation of the 
forest resources helps to assure the stable supply of lumbers and 
the effective utilization of forest resources without wastes. 
3.1 Image Analysis of Aerial Photograph for Forest 
Resource Estimation 
The information of tree species, height and density is necessary 
for forest resource estimation. 
3.1.1 Tree Height Estimation using Aerial Stereo Photos 
It is possible to estimate tree height using aerial photo by 
subtracting the height of the ground (DTM) from the height of 
the top of the tree (DSM) in the forest. 
We have developed a stereo processing system (Koizumi, 2009). 
The system, mainly applied to urban area, can generate DSM 
including building height pixel by pixel using stereo matching 
from plural aerial photographs. That is, in the case of 20cm 
ground resolution of aerial photograph, DSM is generated on 
every pixel in the same resolution of 20cm. But in forest area, 
DSM doesn’t necessarily have comparable accuracy to in urban 
area for the following special factors in the forest images, for 
example, existence of texture, complex shape shadow, different 
contrast caused by various direction of slopes, steep height 
change similar to buildings. 
Then, we analyze the reason of the deterioration of the 
matching accuracy and further improve the stereo processing 
system to deal with geographical steep undulations in forest and 
also reduce the error of relative orientation on stereo images 
due to the error of aerial triangulation. As a result, compared 
with conventional system, for the input forest area data having 
y-parallax, the matching noise in DSM caused by geographical 
steep undulations and y-parallax is reduced in the improved 
system (figure 2). 
(a) 3D model by conventional system (b) 3D model by improved system 
Figure 2. Concept Image of DTM Estimation 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B8, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
Next, we estimate the tree height in forest based on the DSM, 
ortho-rectified colour image and ortho-rectified infra-red image 
generated from aerial stereo photographs (Wang, 2011). At first, 
bare-earth regions such as road and vacant land in the 
surroundings or inside of the forest are automatically extracted 
from images by judging vegetation using Normalized 
Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI, Equation(1)) from ortho- 
rectified colour and infra-red images. Then, tree height is 
estimated from the difference between the heights of extracted 
bare-earth region and the surrounding tree regions. At last, 
height of trees inside the forest is estimated from the formerly 
obtained tree height of the trees near bare-earth region as a clue 
(Figure 3). 
where NIR = the spectral reflectance measurements 
acquired in the near-infrared channel 
RED - the spectral reflectance measurements 
acquired in the red channel 
known known 
Height of ground 
Height of ground 
in forest (unknown) 
Figure 3. Concept Diagram of DTM Estimation 
For the accuracy evaluation of DSM and DTM obtained from 
aerial images, we compare them with DSM and DTM generated 
from LIDAR, and also with DSM and DTM generated by 
stereoscopic vision in the Mie University experiment forest 
(Figure 4, Figure 5). The result of evaluation shows that the 
average difference of DSM with that from LIDAR is almost 
zero and the root mean square error is 4.8 meter. And the 
average difference of DTM with that from LIDAR is less than 
one meter and that accuracy is almost same as stereoscopic 
vision. Considering the cost, our system provides a much 
cheaper way than LIDAR to acquire the same ground resolution 
level of data. And the aerial photographs can also provide 
information of tree species and information necessary for 
density estimation. We conclude that DSM and DTM generated 
from aerial photograph provide enough accuracy for practical 
purposes of forest resource management. 
Aerial Photograph Generated DTM 
Figure 4. Result of DTM Estimation 
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