Full text: Technical Commission VIII (B8)

<-B8, 2012 
apply it to the 
'est : 4km, North 
select 82 sub- 
anese cedar and 
imate volume of 
tree density and 
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, ground height 
ormation of tree 
-compartment is 
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that of lumber 
Figure 12 and 
forest resource 
source volume. 
2 hours for 
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^m succeeds in 
Lumber Volume 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B8, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
Lumber Remnants 
) (m?/ha) 
d > re portent 
Figure 13. Result Map of Lumber Remnants Volume 
Currently, we have introduced the developed prototype of the 
forest resource management GIS to the person in charge of 
forest management of local autonomy and forestry company, 
and got high evaluation about the basic concept of the system. 
On the other hand, some practical problems are revealed. For 
example, in tree density interface, user counts the number of 
trees by visual interpretation. But density is not uniform even in 
the same sub-compartment. So, it is necessary to count the 
number of trees in separated regions on the basis of density or 
to estimate density automatically by image analysis for better 
accuracy. Furthermore, the information of tree species and sub- 
compartment shape information recorded in the forest 
registration sometimes is not accurate. Due to the change of the 
forest in each sub-compartment as time goes by, for example 
the intrusion by the broad-leaved tree, there are possible 
problem to the estimated resource volume and income may be 
larger than the real case. To solve this problem, we want to 
introduce the function of tree species estimation to the system 
in the future. 
Moreover, though we have already carried out resource 
estimation in the experiment forest of Mie University, it is still 
necessary for us to examine the estimation accuracy in some 
practical cases related to forest production industry. 
In this paper, we proposed the forest resource management 
system that estimates forest resources using aerial stereo 
photographs. In this system, by using 3D data generated from 
aerial photograph by image analysis and by providing 
interactive interface, it is possible to easily estimate forest 
resources such as the volume of lumber and lumber remnants. 
The system shows the possibility of forest resource 
management with low cost and high accuracy. The estimation 
of forest resources in this system is effective to assure stable 
timber supply and efficient forest resource utilization without 
In the future, we aim to build a system that automatically 
estimates tree species and density to reflect the current status of 
forest more accurately. Further, we aim to develop a more 
practical system for the tree farm with the consideration of cost 
during the practical work like road planning and construction 
related to the tree thinning. 
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