Full text: Technical Commission VIII (B8)

XXIX-B8, 2012 
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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B8, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
Besides, the presence of overlapped zones in the scans must be 
taken in account because the adjustment of the different point 
clouds is based on the use of surface matching. The point 
resolution in each capture was 5-6 cm at the average scanning 
distance, that allows obtain a point cloud of higher density once 
the points clouds are merged. 
Figure 3. Position of the scan stations and final result of the 
point clouds merging in the two campaigns. 
3.2 GPS measurements 
To georeferencing the scan stations, a GPS receiver (Leica 
System 1200) is placed on the laser scanner instrument by 
ILRIS GPS mount kit set. We can relate both systems and the 
data captured by them because the distance between antenna 
phase centre and scanner origin is known (figure 4). 
Figure 4. GPS receiver with the ILRIS GPS mount kit set 
placed on the scanner. Scanner reference system 
and offsets (dy, dz) between antenna phase center 
and scanner origin are represented. 
41 GPS data 
GPS observations were processed using GeoOffice software 
(Leica Geosystems). Every antenna phase center is calculated in 
the ETRS89 reference system with a sub-metric accuracy. 
4.2 Point clouds (TLS data) 
First, the position of antenna phase center was incorporated to 
the point clouds as an additional point in the TLS reference 
system, taking in account the offset of this point to the TLS 
instrument origin (figure 4). 
Next, the relative orientation of the different point clouds of 
each scan station is made, adjusting and merging them in a 
single point cloud using the module “matching surface features” 
of I-Site MAPTEK software. This orientation is based on the 
correlation of some common zones in the overlapped point 
clouds (figure 5). These common areas are recommendable to 
be cleared to avoid noise and outliers which can affect the 
In this way, we obtain for each campaign a single point cloud in 
a local reference system. The average density of these point 
clouds is about 1 point every 2 to 4 cm in zones without 
shadows, corresponding to 5.800.000 and 8.600.000 for the first 
and the second campaign, respectively. 
4.3 Surface models and DEMs 
After single point clouds corresponding to both campaigns are 
obtained, a surface model (DSM) can be obtained where we 
take in account both the points assigned to terrain surface 
(terrain points) and the points not assigned to the terrain surface 
(non-terrain points). These last points correspond to vegetation, 
fences, constructions, vehicles and other features located over 
the terrain surface or noise points introduced by in motion 
vehicles, birds, rainfall drops or other issues (figure 6). 
Then we proceed to point classification or filtering in two 
classes, terrain and non-terrain points (Lichun, et al., 2009). 
From the classified point clouds in which only terrain points are 
present and non-terrain points are deleted, a TIN model of 
terrain surface or DEM is obtained. 
Figure 5. Relative orientation of single points cloud using 
common or overlapped zones. 

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