Full text: Technical Commission VIII (B8)

XXXIX-B8, 2012 
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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B8, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
serving as the limits of the integrals in (1). Details of the 
derivation of ground phase and tree heights for that particular 
study could be found in (Mercer et al., 2011). The PCT profiles 
were calculated for slant range coherence images as transects in 
range and azimuth direction. The averaging window size for 
coherence calculation was 11 by 11 pixels in slant range 
2.3 Biomass extraction 
A ‘standard’ operational method for direct biomass estimation 
is through the use of ground sampling sites as shown in 
equation (7). 
Biomass, = p C DBH?). f AN, (7) 
where stem Diameter at Breast Height (DBH), tree height (h), 
stem density (N) and wood density p[ g / cm’ ] are determined 
on site. The tree is modelled as a tapered cylinder (constant 
factor f), leading to the stem biomass per unit area B[tons/ha]. 
Remote sensing methods often use an allometric relationship 
where some observable such as backscatter in the case of radar 
(Le Toan et al., 1992) is regressed against biomass estimates 
obtained from ground sample sites. Generally such methods 
become insensitive at biomass levels of about 150 tonnes/ha or 
greater. A more robust relationship has been shown to exist 
when tree height (as obtained from POLInSAR or lidar for 
instance) is the direct observable (Mette ef al., 2004A; Mercer 
et al, 2009B). However the form of the allometric relationship 
seems to have species dependencies, and stimulates the interest 
in tomography which offers the potential to address the mixed 
species problem. The key idea here is to differentiate species by 
classification according to structure function. An allotropic 
approach with specific parameters would then be derived. In 
this paper we restrict ourselves to the first part of the problem — 
derivation of the tomograms. 
3.1 Radar System 
The SAR data used in our study was collected during an 
airborne campaign (Mercer et al., 2009A, 2009B) carried out in 
winter 2008 in Alberta, Canada, near the town of Edson. A 
proof of concept design was built to accommodate and 
demonstrate the feasibility of an airborne PolInSAR system at 
L-Band by Intermap Technologies to recover tree height and 
ground surface elevation. The system was carried onboard an 
Aerocommander aircraft. Some of the system parameters are 
presented in Table 1: 
Central wavelength 0.226 m 
PRF/channel 0.4 kw 
No. of channels 12 
Polarisation full quad 
Horizontal baseline 3.5 m 
Flying altitude over ground 1000 m 
Azimuth resolution 1.0 m 
Slant range resolution 1-1 m 
Table 1: Design parameters of Intermap technologies' L-Band 
fully polarimetric InSAR radar system. 
A quad-pol antenna pair supported by a rigid beam was 
mounted across track and provided a horizontal baseline of 3.5 
meters. The flying height was around 1000 meters above 
ground level and ground resolution was close to 1.25 meters. 
The test altitude was chosen to obtain a satisfactorily large 
signal to noise ratio while also optimizing conditions for 
POLINSAR inversion (Cloude, 2006B). 
3.2 The Test Areas 
The particular test site (Mercer et al., 2009B) for generating the 
tomograms is a forested area near Edson, Alberta, Canada. It 
consists of densely forested areas interspersed with clearcut 
areas at various early stages of regrowth and with moderate 
variations of topography.. This test site was also chosen for 
availability of ancillary data such as airborne LiDAR and X- 
Band generated digital terrain models, and is an effective 
candidate for biomass estimation of pine-lodged trees. Stand 
heights ranged from 10 to 30 meters. The forest stem density 
was estimated between 100 to 300 stems/ha, based on high 
resolution photography analysis. 
4.1 Tomograms 
A composite polarimetric image (Pauli) of one of the passes is 
shown in Figure 1 with overlaid red lines indicating the location 
of particular tomographic profiles in the azimuth (along-track) 
and slant range (cross-track) directions. The green-colored 
texture is forest and the darker patches are the clearcut/regrowth 
areas. Figures 2 and 3 show the PCT profiles (tomograms) for 
these lines as indicated. The tomograms show clearly the 
distinction between clear cuts with low tree regrowth patterns, 
and older, 15-30 m canopy patches. The color scale represents 
the normalized structure function and should be a proxy for the 
internal backscattering intensity as a function of vertical 
location within the canopy. As explained in the above section, 
the upper and lower limits (tree tops and ground phase) are 
given from the RVoG inversion estimates which have 
accuracies of about 1-4 m (RMS) (Mercer et al, 2009B). 
Range (pixels) 
Figure 1: Pauli image and transects 
Singe FCT L-Bsnd for HY 
Figure 2a: Tomogram along Azimuth (1) 
PO L-Bami for Hv 
Figure 2b: Tomogram along Azimuth (2) 

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