Full text: Technical Commission VIII (B8)

XXIX-B8, 2012 
(plain before can give 
83 -0.0365 
93 -0.0569 
09 -0.0022 
00 -0.0013 
84 0.0857 
49 -0.0732 
26 -0.0428 
68 0.0295 
95 0.0184 
09 0.0308 
05 0.0288 
75 0.0034 
33 0.0163 
83 -0.0365 
93 -0.0569 
transformation of the 
second campaign. 
erence system we can 
with point clouds or 
zones in the road cut 
y were generated as a 
ffecting to the region 
r. This unstable zone 
material that invaded 
ighway and produced 
oblems. Besides, the 
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f both surfaces, with 
formation of steps, 
, some superficial 
roughly measured by 
obtaining maximum 
both campaigns that 
errain and vegetation 
tudied road cut. 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B8, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
On the other side, displaced volumes have been calculated by 
means of the software tools applied in this case to DEMs. In the 
figure 8, depletion and accumulation zones are shown. 
Depletion zones are those in which the surface corresponding to 
the second campaign is under the surface corresponding to the 
first campaign and accumulation zones are those in which the 
second surface are over the first surface. The obtained numeric 
results to the zone B are shown in table 2. 
Mobilized Depletion Accumulation ~~ Wasting 
Volume (m?) 210,02- 124,50 85,52 
Rates (m? day!) 15,00 8,89 6,10 
Table 2. Volume calculations of mobilized material to zone B. 
These calculations gives first results of 210 m? of depleted 
material) and 124,5 m? of accumulated material. The differences 
between these volumes (wasting material) are explained 
because of the material removed by civil works as well that 
occupying the highway as that resulting of the advance of the 
road cut to the road. This material was removed due to the 
actuation carried out by the State Public Administration with the 
objective of stopping the landslide affecting the highway. The 
works started after the first campaign, which explains the large 
amount of wasting material between both campaigns; they 
consisted in removing material in the slope toe and put a 
contention wall to stabilize the mobilized mass. 
Figure 8. DEM surface corresponding to the second campaign: 
in orange, those zones in which this surface are under the first 
campaign surface (depletion); in blue, those zones in which this 
surface is over the first surface (accumulation). Top: front view; 
center: plan view; bottom: unstable zones details (zone A at the 
left and zone B at the right) 
Terrestrial laser scanning techniques are proved again as a very 
useful tool to study landslide and its temporal evolution. In this 
sense they are becoming one of the most used tools to 
deformation monitoring because it gives a high density and 
spatial accuracy data in a short time interval. 
In this work we present a methodology to georeferencing TLS 
data to multi-temporal studies about landslides monitoring, 
applied in this case to an unstable mass in a road cut that flows 
over a national highway, causing important traffic problems. In 
these studies, it is very important to establish a stable reference 
framework or system to monitoring terrain deformations and to 
measure displacements. However, the poor accessibility of the 
zone makes difficult to include targets in the study area and the 
general instability does not allow identifying stable areas. So, 
ETRS89 was used as the reference framework and TLS data are 
georeferenced by means the measurement of scan stations 
coordinates by means GPS observations. After that, a weighted 
rigid 3D transformation has been applied to transform the point 
clouds from a local reference system to the ETRS89 system. 
This methodology has allowed monitoring the landslide 
occurred in the studied area in 2009/10 winter as a consequence 
of heavy rainfalls that became twice the mean precipitations in 
this period. The landslide was measured by means TLS 
instrument in a period of 14 days in which important 
modifications in the terrain surface could be observed. All the 
field works to data capture have been carried out in a short 
period of time (a few hours). 
The obtained results are maximum superficial displacements of 
about 8-9 m in the terrain and vegetation between the two 
campaigns that produces a daily rate of about 0,55-0,65 m day’. 
Regarding mobilized volumes, we estimate about 210 m? of 
depleted material and 124,5 m? of accumulated material; the 
differences between these volumes (wasting material) are 
explained because of the material removed by civil works to 
recovery the traffic of the highway. 
The stable and global reference system established in this work 
can be used to multitemporal analysis to data captured until this 
moment and those that can be captured in further works. Further 
works will be on the refinement of this methodology and 
integration with other techniques such as close range 
photogrammetry, aerial photogrammetry and airborne LiDAR 
to multi-temporal and multi-scalar analysis, developed in the 
research project that will be mentioned above. 
Abellán, A., Vilaplana, J.M. and Martínez, J., 2006. Application 
of a long-range Terrestrial Laser Scanner to a detailed rockfall 
study at Vall de Nüria (Eastern Pyrenees, Spain). Engineering 
Geology, Elsevier, 88:136-148. 
Abellán, A., Jaboyedoff, M., Oppikofer, T. and Vilaplana, J.M., 
2009. Detection of millimetric deformation using a terrestrial 
laser scanner: experiment and application to a rockfall event. 
Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 9: 365-372. 
Bu, L. and Zhang, Z., 2008. Application of Point Clouds from 
Terrestrial 3D Laser Scanner for Deformation Measurements. 
The International Archives Of The Photogrammetry, Remote 
Sensing And Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part 
B5. Beijing 2008, 545-548. 
Cardenal, J., Delgado, J., Mata, E; González-Díez, A., Remondo, 
J., Diaz de Terán, J.R., Francés, E., Salas, L., Bonachea, J., 
Olague, L, Felicisimo, A., Chung Ch.J., Fabbri, A. and Soares, 
A., 2006. The use of digital photogrammetry techniques in 
landslide instability. In Geodetic Deformation Monitoring: 
From Geophysical to Geodetic Roles, (Gil Cruz and Sanso, 
Eds.). IAG Springer Series, 259-264. 

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