Full text: Technical Commission VIII (B8)

XXXIX-B8, 2012 
ize, the correlation 
nd standing volume 
zes (figure 2). So, 5 
orrelated pixel size) 
3.9.10 11 | 
of different pixel 
at sample plots 
stand volume in 
M pixels of sample 
r Sig. 
0.58 SURE 
| the most suitable 
dard error of model 
re 3). 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B8, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
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Standard deviation of Sm DSM pixels 
Figure 3. Scatter plot and fitted curve 
After constructing the equation, those samples which have been 
holding out (20 percent) were used for calculating bias and root 
mean square error. Relative bias and RMSE were -5.8 and 49.8 
percent, respectively (table 2). 
Table 2. Bias, relative bias, RMSE and relative RMSE of stand 
volume estimation 
Bias (m^) -21.3 
Relative Bias (%) -5.8 
RMSE (m?) 183 
Relative RMSE (%) 49.8 
In the present research, a new approach for estimating forest 
stand volume at plot level were presented and examined. It has 
been found that the most proper pixel size for modelling stand 
volume was 5 to 7 meter. Maybe, this is a consequence of this 
fact that the average size of tree crowns at study area was 
approximately 7 m. The smaller sizes contain some variation of 
crown surface and larger sizes cause a smoothing in height 
Many researches have been conducted for estimating stand 
volume by remotely sensed data. When looking at accuracy 
expressed as a relative RMSE of stand volume estimation, using 
sattelite images, 45% (Mäkelä and Pekkarinen, 2004), 48% and 
19% (Mäkelä and Pekkarinen, 2001), 51% (Labrecque et al., 
2006), 64% to 295% (Katila and Tomppo, 2001), 56% (Hyyppä 
et al., 2000), 36% (Holmgren et al., 2000), 83% (Franco-Lopez 
et al, 2001), 41% (Wallerman et al., 2002), 36% (Hall et al., 
2006) and using aerial photographs, 57.8% (Tuominen and 
Pekkarinen, 2005), the present result is satisfactory. 
Tuominen and Pekkarinen (2004) achieved 66.1% RMSE, 
using modified colour-infrared aerial photographs and Sohrabi 
(2008) using colour infrared aerial images of UltraCamD 
reported 66.1 — 76.9 % RMSE at plot level. Here, we achieved 
49.8% RMSE which is a good improvement in precision of 
volume estimation of forest stands. 
One big problem in this method occurs when trees canopy cover 
Is totally closed. In this situation, the standard deviation of 
height is low while stand volume is high. In future studies, 
applying forest stratification could be studied. 
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