Google Earth was used to examine the occurrence of gullies in
randomly selected sites, and also as a tool for mapping gully
extents. This data was then imported into a GIS and examined
against several raster and vector data layers representing various
landscape variables such as slope (derived from SRTM DEM),
Foliage Projective Cover (FPC) (Armston et al., 2009), land
clearing (Muir et al., 2011), 1:100,000 vector drainage line,
geology, soils, and regional ecosystems (DSEWPC, 2011).
Imagery on Google Earth enabled the identification of gullies;
however, this was only possible over about a third of the
Burdekin where Google Earth has Quickbird imagery coverage
(<1 m pixel resolution). In the remaining 70% SPOT imagery
(-2.5m pixel resolution) was found not to have sufficient
resolution to identify gullies with high certainty (Figure 2).
Random training site
Random validation site
| [7] Quickbird imagery A
Hj] SPOT imagery 0 km 50
I——À |
Figure 2. Google Earth imagery coverage and training and
validation sites.
Five hundred and eighty two training sites (circle, 28.3 ha each)
were randomly generated for areas in the Burdekin where
Quickbird or GeoEye imagery were available on Google Earth
(Figure 2). Sites were visually inspected on the imagery for the
presence or absence of gullies. 104 training sites had gullies
present, 433 training sites had no evidence of gullies or gullies
were not visible. Forty five training sites were removed from
the data set as determination of presence or absence was
uncertain due to vegetation or similarity to other erosion
Landscape variables were recorded at each gullied site to create
a set of conditional classes representing the probability of
gullies. Further assumptions were made about presence or
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B8, 2012
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia
absence of gullies based on information provided by local
experts and further visual inspection of imagery and field
observations. These conditions were then applied across the
Burdekin to create a binary map of no-gully areas and gully
sensitive areas.
Validation of the results was undertaken by field observation,
expert local knowledge and the examination of a further 456
validation sites (0.25 ha squares) on Google Earth (Figure 2).
The validation sites were smaller than the training sites in order
to prevent gully overestimation. This is believed to have been
the case with the training sites as these were classified as 'gully'
even if gullies composed only a small portion of their area. In
line with this assumption, gullies were identified on only 12
validation sites whereas 444 validation sites had no gullies or
gullies were not visible.
Knowledge of no-gully areas allowed targeted mapping on areas
where gullies are more likely to occur. The mapping (Figure 3)
was conducted in the form of manual digitizing on Quickbird
imagery on Google Earth using the polygon tool and then
importing vectors into ArcGIS. Overall, more than 5100 gullies
were digitized over an area of more than 3500 km?. These data
were used to validate and further refine the abilities to locate
gullies within the gully sensitive area.
White polygons indicate gullies. All other areas classified as
having no gullies. Background imagery from Google Earth.
The 5100 mapped gullies were then used as training data to
examine a group of additional potential explanatory topographic
variables derived from the SRTM 1" DEM (~30 m spatial
resolution). The efficiency of the explanatory variables in
predicting gully occurrence was assessed by calculating the
Area Under the Curve (AUC). The AUC provides an effective
measure of how much of the response variables distribution (in
this case gully presence) is explained by a particular
explanatory variable. Most variables offered a higher than
random, yet still modest gully prediction ability (AUC 60-70%,
compared with AUC of 50% for a random prediction). A further
test using a multivariate logistic regression model combining
several layers did not show significantly improved results. The
variable that showed highest correlation with gully occurrence
was elevation above drainage line, which had an AUC of 80%
Cumulative mapped gullies (%)
of s