Full text: Technical Commission VIII (B8)

-B8, 2012 
yvided by local 
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areas and gully 
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y gullied area. 
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a higher than 
(AUC 60-70%, 
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'ed results. The 
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n AUC of 80% 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B8, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
(Figure 4). We therefore based the predictive model on 
probability values based on elevation above drainage line in 
areas that were initially classified as gully-sensitive areas. 
100 - 
90 - 
80 - 
70 - 
60 - 
50 4 
40 - 
Cumulative mapped gullies (%) 
30 4 
20 #20 cm > 6 A Elevation 
s above drainage 
Model prediction 
= Random prediction 
10 $10 om^ 
0 4e” i ; 
0 20 40 60 80 100 
Cumulative gully sensitive area (%) 
Figure 4. Area Under Curve (AUC) representing the 
relationship between gully occurrence and elevation above 
drainage line in gully sensitive areas. Triangles indicate 
elevation above drainage line. A random prediction (dashed 
line) is expected to be linear throughout the examined area and 
therefore would have an AUC of 50%. The model (solid line) 
shows an AUC of 80%. This means that elevation above 
drainage line is explaining the distribution of most of the 
mapped gullies in a smaller area providing improved prediction 
ability. For example, the model locates 60% of the gullies 
within only 15% of the gully sensitive area closest to drainage 
line (<75cm). 
A final, comprehensive broad-scale semi-quantitative gully 
presence map gully was developed. The Burdekin was divided 
into 5521 cells of 5 km x 5 km. Each cell was assigned with one 
of seven gully presence values ranging from very low to very 
high. The gully presence values were determined by several 
methods. Where available, values were assigned based on 
observations from high resolution imagery. At locations without 
high resolution imagery, the gully presence values were 
assigned based on results of statistical analysis, which examined 
the values in the already assigned cells against (i) the extent of 
no-gully area within each cell; or (ii) the association of a cell 
with a sub-bioregion (DSEWPC 2011) where most observations 
were assigned as low gully value; or (iii) information from the 
predictive model. The final map provides a gully presence value 
for each 5 km x 5 km grid cell in the Burdekin with various 
confidence levels relating to the above methods used to 
determine these values (Figure 5). 
Initial results showed that areas at a distance greater than 300 m 
from a drainage line, or with high tree cover (FPC above 30%), 
or with high slopes (above 10° or on basaltic geology had 
extremely low probability of gully occurrence (Table 1). Based 
on these relationships, the Burdekin was divided into two areas: 
A no-gully area, which covers 47% of the Burdekin and where 
less than 7% of the gullies occur; and a gully sensitive area, 
which covers 53% of the Burdekin and where more than 93% of 
gullies occur (Figure 6). By combining the no-gully area with 
the elevation above drainage line layer a 30m resolution gully 
predictive model was produced that has predicted more than 
90% of the mapped gullies within less than 20% of the total 
Burdekin area (Figure 7). 
The gully presence map provides a regional view of gully extent 
(Figure 8). Overall, several areas were identified as gully ‘hot- 
spots’. The most affected areas are in the south of the Upper 
Burdekin subcatchment, the northern part of the Suttor 
subcatchment and the Bowen Broken Bogie subcatchment. 
These results allow for better targeting of gully research in later 
stages of this research, where gully expansion rates and 
sediment volumes will be examined. 
LL] Major subcatchment 
Classification method 
High resolution imagery 
Extent of no-gully area within cell 
Bioregion - 
SESS Predictive model | 0 
Figure 5. Classification methods for gully values for the gully 
presence map. 
Tondsoape Gullied Gullied % of 
Class Seap training | validation | total 
description ; : 
sites sites area 
Gully | 4 image ine, 
ur. , 0 0, 0 
Em. or FPC<30%, 93% 100% 53% 
or slope >10° 
>600 m from 
drainage line, 
EA 0 
No-gully | or FPC>30 %, 7% 0% 47% 
area or slope >10°, 
or basaltic 
Table 1. Classification of the Burdekin into no-gully and gully 
sensitive areas according to gully occurrence at various 

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