Full text: Technical Commission VIII (B8)

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Justace et al. 
mote sensing 
nly go so far 
when it comes to prediction or automated mapping of gully 
occurrence. These difficulties arise from the variability in 
factors that contribute to gully occurrence; the complex shapes, 
size and forms of gullies; and the lack of access or ability to 
obtain additional high-resolution data that might be useful, such 
as grazing pressure or high resolution soil maps. Considering 
the current limitations the best approach would be to invest 
more time and efforts in hands-on, pragmatic approaches based 
on observations and field data rather than predictive modelling, 
which could be used as a last option to fill gaps at locations of 
low certainty. 
Armston, J.D., Denham, R.J., Danaher, T.J., Scarth, P.F., 
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Bainbridge, Z., Lewis, S., Davis, A., Brodie, J., 2008. Event- 
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Tropics NRM Region: 2007/08 wet season update. ACTFR 
report number 08/19. Townsville, Australia. 
Bartley, R., Hawdon, A., Post, D.A., Roth, C.H., 2007. A 
sediment budget for a grazed semi-arid catchment in the 
Burdekin basin, Australia. Geomorphology, 87 (4), pp. 302-321. 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B8, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
Brodie, J., McKergow, L.A., Prosser, I.P., Furnas, M., Hughes, 
A.O., Hunter, H., 2003. Sources of Sediment and Nutrient 
Exports to the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area. ACTFR 
report number 03/11. Townsville, Australia. 
Dight, I., 2009. Burdekin Water Quality Improvement Plan. NQ 
Dry Tropics, Townsville, Australia. 
DSEWPC (Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, 
Population and Communities), 2011. Australia's bioregions, 
http://www environment cov au/parks/nrs/science/bioregion- 
framework/index.html (12 Jan. 2011). 
Eustace, A.H., Pringle, M.J., Denham, R.J., 2011. A risk map 
for gully locations in central Queensland, Australia. European 
Journal of Soil Science 62 (3), pp. 431-441. 
Muir, J., Schmidt, M., Tindall, D., Travithick, R., Scarth, P., 
Stewart, J., 2011. Field measurement of fractional ground cover: 
A technical handbook supporting ground cover monitoring for 
Australia. Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource 
Economics and Sciences. Canberra, Australia. 
Prosser, L, Moran, C. Lu, H., Scott, A., Rustomji, P., 
Stevenson, J., et al., 2002. Regional Patterns of Erosion and 
Sediment Transport in the Burdekin River Catchment. CSIRO 
Land and Water Technical Report 5/02. Canberra, Australia. 

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