Full text: Technical Commission VIII (B8)

2003 Total 
2009 Total 
version of growth in 
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of urbanized area as 
uld be represented 
2009 Agriculture Barren Urban Forest Shrub Water 2009 Total 
Agriculture 1777.5 969.21 122.85 — 240723 1943.91 74.34 7301.79 
Barren 361.44 72.8 91.71 937.17 236.07 8.37 1711.8 
Urban 2915.$51,,/1030.23..15126.58.. „3872.61... „2789.73 626.58 17329.68 
Forest 3817.62 236.88 295.92 — 514998 194535 100.89  58006.26 
Shrub 2881.62 749.79 456.84 285129 2549.16 83.61 9587.7 
Water 291.33 348.12 204.93 345.06 3177. 1467.36 3008.34 
1979 Total 12048:03 4312:17 6315.57 16197202 9785.16 . 238455 
Change 1979-2009 -4746.24 _-2600.37 1101411  -3965.76  -197.46 623.79 
(c) 1979-2009 
Table 4. Matrices of land use/cover changes in Danang city, Vietnam in hectares (continued) 
as 59% of its 2003 area by 2009. Of the area that urban got 
from 2003 to 2009, 51.7% was converted from agriculture and 
26.1% from shrub. In the span of 30 years, the coverage of 
urban area has incessantly increased from 6315.57ha in 1979 
to 17329.68ha in 2009, thus representing an increase of 
174.4% (11014.11ha). 
Table 4(c) indicated that the increasing of urban area in 
Danang city mainly came from about 32.4%, 25.4%, 25.3% 
and 17.5% of forestry, agriculture, shrub and barren area, 
respectively. Based on Figure 3, the difference of spatial 
distribution of urban area could be clearly observed by the 
years. In 1979, the urban area dispersedly located along the 
costal line. By 2003, this area was expanded more 
concentrated along coastal zone and moved toward Sontra 
peninsula. From 2003 to 2009, the urban expansion changed 
the direction from costal toward in land. 
4.2 Fragmentation Analyses 
From LULC maps in 1979 and 2009, three most changing 
classes (agriculture, urban and forest) were chosen to compute 
spatial landscape matrices at class level by means of 
FRAGSTATS software (Table 5). In Danang city, forestry 
area presented as the dominance class of landscape because its 
percentage of total area is largest. The statistic of forestry 
showed that the percentage of landscape (PLAND) index 
decreased from 36 to 33.7, while the number of patches (NP) 
increased from 2363 to 7815 during the whole period from 
1979 to 2009. This combination result suggested the breaking 
up of forestry areas into smaller parcels. This was supported 
by the largest patch index (LPI - decreased from 29.4 to 28.6) 
and the mean patch area (AREA MN - decreased from 26.2 
to 7.4). The values of mean shape index (SHAPE MN) of 
forestry for the 1979 and the 2009 were over than 1, exposing 
that the average forestry patch shape was non-square and there 
was no significant difference in shape index values. 
The increasing of mean proximity index (PROX MN, defined by 
200m) from 2917.2 to 12895.8 indicated that forested patches in 
2009 became more contiguous in spatial distribution than in 1979. 
This was asserted once again by the decreasing of mean nearest 
neighbour distance (ENN MN) from 117.8 to 87.3 and the 
interspersion and juxtaposition index (IJI) from 83.2 to 84.2. 
In regards to agriculture area during the period 1979-2009, the 
number of patches (NP) increased from 1385 to 11771, the mean 
patch area (AREA MN) decreased from 8.7 to 0.6 and the mean 
proximity (PROX MN) decreased from 513.4 to 18.4. These 
values revealed that the 2009 agriculture patches were more 
isolated than the 1979 patches. 
The spatial analysis of urban areas showed the significant 
increasing of the percentage of landscape index (PLAND) from 
6315.3 to 17298.5, the number of patches (NP) from 962 to 7040, 
the largest patch index (LPI) from 1.0 to 4.4. These indexes 
evidenced that the expansion of urban areas also concentrated on 
existent urban. Finally the growth of mean proximity 
(PROX MN) from 55.9 to 1959.4 and of the interspersion and 
juxtaposition index (IJI) from 63.4 to 84.2 indicated that urban 
class distributed a more landscape configuration in 2009 than in 
The comprehension analysis in landscape level showed the 
evidence of fragmentation of landscape with the increasing of total 
number of patches from 8331 to 47040 while the mean patch area 
decreased from 11.6 to 2.1 during the whole study period. In 
addition, both Shannon's diversity and evenness indices in 2009 
were greater than in 1979, showing the slight increase of the 
landscape heterogeneity and evenness. The decrease of mean 
nearest-neighbour distance (ENN MN) from 151.2 to 922 
whereas the mean proximity index (PROX MN) became higher 
revealed that patches tended less isolated. Besides, interspersion 
and juxtaposition index (IJI) from 77.2 to 81.3 indicated a trend 
towards the uniform configuration of landscape. 
(ha) (96) (#) (99 MN (ha) MN (ha) MN(m) MN(m) (%) 
agriculture — 12048.0 7.0 1385 2.6 8.7 1.4 513.4 153.0 525 
urban 6315.3 3.7 962 1.0 6.6 1.3 55:9 190.4 63.4 
forestry 61972.0 36.0 2363 29.4 26.2 1.3 20172 117.8 832 
agriculture 7294.7 4.2 11771 0.2 0.6 1.2 18.4 82.9 68.0 
urban 17298.5 10.0 7040 4.4 2.5 1.2 1959.4 90.9 82.3 
forestry 57936.2 337 7813 28.6 7.4 1.2 12895.8 87.3 84.2 
Table 5. Metrics of landscape structure for selected indices at the class level, 1979 and 2009 

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