the products by the Moderate Resolution Imaging
Spectroradiometer (MODIS) and the Geoscience Laser
Altimeter System on the current NASA Ice, Cloud, and land
Elevation Satellite (ICESat) (Scarth, Armston et al. 2010).
Regionally developed Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) and
Enhanced Thematic Mapper (ETM+) products in Queensland
also provide estimates of properties of the TVC that are highly
relevant for supporting national and state NRM - specifically as
these products are validated for the unique conditions in
Australian savanna ecosystems (Danaher, Scarth et al. 2010;
Scarth, Röder et al. 2010). The collective, remotely sensed
information on certain vegetation properties could be valuable
for erosion modelling studies in the tropical semi-arid savannas
in Queensland.
The sensitivity of a time series of the global, biophysical
Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS)
Fraction of Photosynthetically Active Radiation absorbed by a
canopy (FPAR) (Knyazikhin, Glassy et al. 1999) to a time series
of regionally developed Landsat TM and ETM- based green
and non-green fractions of ground cover and vegetation
structural categories (VSC) has been shown for a tropical semi-
arid catchment in Queensland, Australia, in an earlier study
(Schoettker, Phinn et al. 2010; Schoettker, Scarth et al. 2010).
In a multiple regression analysis (including interaction terms)
75% of the variability in dry season MODIS FPAR was
explained by the Landsat datasets in a catchment of 9500 kn?
that lies adjacent to the GBR (the Bowen/Broken subcatchment)
(Schoettker, Scarth et al. 2010). The catchment has been
considered an important contributor to terrestrial discharges
into the GBR lagoon (Lewis, Sherman et al. 2009).
Which potential global and high temporal frequency
biophysical products, such as the MODIS FPAR and the ICESat
might have to complement regional remote sensing products for
the mapping and monitoring of TVC properties relevant to
erosion modelling has not been identified to date — specifically
not in Australian savannas. The main aim of this research was
thus to determine the global MODIS FPAR's potential
suitability to improve erosion modelling via an integrated
approach combining global and regional vegetation remote
sensing products in the same study area as Schoettker, Phinn et
al. (2010) and Schoettker, Scarth et al. (2010), a tropical semi-
arid catchment in Queensland.
1.2 Overview and references
In erosion modelling a so called C-factor measures the
combined effect of all the interrelated vegetative cover and crop
management variables (Rosewell 1997). This definition has
been used in empirical soil erosion models such as the
Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) (Wischmeier and Smith
1978) and its subsequent Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation
(RUSLE) (Renard, Smith et al. 1997). The C-factor is also
commonly applied in varying forms in most other erosion
models worldwide. Above ground vegetative C-factor (vCf)
estimates for non-cropping areas under Australian conditions
were published by Rosewell (1997).
Many water driven erosion models worldwide have been
applied in recent decades and some have integrated remote
sensing information (Vrieling 2006; USDA 2008; Searle and
Ellis 2009). In Australia, however, to date most of the water
driven erosion models applied still use the basic concept of the
empirical USLE model, e.g. the SedNet whole-of catchment
modelling (Lewis, Sherman et al. 2009). Aside from a number
of major considerations which limit the utility of models, such
as the USLE for, recent model applications by Searle and Ellis
(2009) have improved the USLE utility in the semi-arid tropics
of Queensland.
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B8, 2012
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia
Despite these substantial research efforts, it is surprising that no
study - to the knowledge of the author until this date - has
integrated high temporal resolution remote sensing imagery to
derive vCf estimates for use in erosion modelling other than by
using classical vegetation indices (de Jong 1994; Lu, Prosser et
al. 2003; Symeonakis and Drake 2004). However, in open plant
communities, such the tropical semi-arid savannas of the study
area, classical vegetation indices have been shown to perform
less reliably for quantifying temporally variable TVC and its
components and hence erosion or biomass modelling (van
Leeuwen and Huete 1996). The derivation for or inclusion of
remotely sensed structural characteristics of the TVC in erosion
modelling is to date also very limited (Lu, Prosser et al. 2003;
de Jong and Jetten 2007).
2.1 Deriving high temporal frequency vegetative cover
factor estimates
To account for the role vegetation plays in impeding soil loss,
erosion models classically include so called cover subfactors
that separate the total vegetation cover into two major vertical
components: Canopy cover and surface cover (as for example
described in USDA (2008) and Rosewell (1997). As most
Australian plant communities feature a distinctive upper and a
ground or lower stratum (Specht 1981), the separation of the
TVC into a canopy and a surface cover is considered to
adequately represent open plant communities that cover most of
the Australian continent and the study area.
The equations typically used to derive vCf and subfactor
estimates based on the earlier work by Wischmeier and Smith
(1978) take the following form as published in Rosewell
C=CanCov*SurfCov (1)
, Where CanCov is the canopy cover subfactor and SurfCov
is the surface cover subfactor. The concept of vegetative cover
subfactors applied here was taken from the Revised Universal
Soil Loss Equation USDA (2008) and Rosewell (1997) for
Australian conditions. The relevant equations to determine the
vegetative cover's subfactors are commonly given as follows:
SurfCov= AHH GCHGC +d GC) o
CanCov 21- (CC/100)* g COS =
with, h, =h, +a,*a,(h, —h,) (3a)
h, =—*CH
or 3 es
, Where a, b, c, d are coefficients given in Rosewell (1997), CC
is Canopy Cover (?6), h, is effective drop height, h, is height to
the bottom of the canopy, 4, is height to the top of the canopy,
a, is a coefficient for canopy shape, a, for concentration of
surface area within canopy given in (USDA 2008), and is CH is
canopy height. The cover factor has commonly been determined
simply as in eq. (2) for low wFPC areas (Searle and Ellis 2009)
or as the product of eq. (2) and (3a or b) (USDA (2008) and
Rosewell (1997), respectively).
The calculation of the dynamic vCf in this study were designed
to advance and yet replicate useful aspects of more recent
applications by USDA (2008) (RUSLE2 model) or
conventional approaches by Rosewell (1997), to date used in
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