Full text: Technical Commission VIII (B8)

"mperature for the 
y a comprehensive 
s and records the 
and groundwater, 
sis was conducted 
1easurements from 
d from the remote 
1 performed for the 
mages for landfill 
dll gas monitoring 
r this preliminary 
ions from the total 
the measurements 
istribution of these 
ntage of emitting 
of CH, are taken to 
element of landfill 
llow level of the 
e ground level that 
lation of LST. Due 
| measurement and 
sition, the ground 
n the dates to the 
is conducted for 
en the percentages 
[-2 (located at the 
2008, respectively. 
en the percentages 
-17 (located at the 
2008, respectively. 
ST data, the LST 
ature, so all the 
base. Preliminary 
observed for both 
re R° is 0.573 for 
, both stations had 
neasured in 2007 
332 in GM-17). In 
lines show that the 
tional relationship 
age of Emitting ; 
iture for 2007 (R 
Percentage of Emitting Methane 
Recorded in the Landfill Gas (%) 
3 8 13 
Temperature Difference (C) 
Figure 7. Relationship between the Percentage of Emitting 
Methane Recorded in GM-2 and the Temperature for 2008 (R? 
z: 0.573) 
Percentage of Emtting Methane 
Recorded in the Landfill Gas 
0 5 “10 15 
Temperature Difference (C) 
Figure 8. Relationship between the Percentage of Emitting 
Methane Recorded in GM-17 and the Temperature for 2007 (R2 
= 0.332) 
Percentage of Emitting Methane 
‚Recorded in the Landfill Gas (%) 
Temperature Difference (*C) 
Figure 9. Relationship between the Percentage of Emitting 
Methane Recorded in GM-17 and the Temperature for 2008 (R? 
4.2 Al-Jleeb Landfill 
The LST is used to detect suspicious dumping areas in the Al- 
Jleeb landfill from the Landsat images. Although the boundary 
of the Al-Jleeb landfill is known from historical records, the 
specific dumping areas are unknown. It is hard to locate these 
areas by field investigation, as most of the dumping sites are 
capped, and the area of the Al-Jleeb is 5.5 km”. Similar to the 
findings from the Trail Road landfill case study, it is observed 
that the LST of the landfill site is significantly higher than the 
air temperature as well as the LST of the surroundings. 
Figure 10 plots the LST derived from the Landsat images and 
the corresponding air temperature in the Al-Jleeb landfill. 
Unlike the Trail Road landfill, it was observed that some of the 
LST derived from the remote sensing images are lower than the 
air temperature. It is worth mentioning that most of these cases 
occur when images are acquired in the winter (Jan. 13, 1985; 
Dec. 29 1987; Oct. 29, 1993; and Feb. 28, 1993) and water 
(waste water) was found in these areas. In the rest of the data, 
the LST is always higher than the air temperature by 9 °C to 16 
°C, which aligns with the findings from the Trail Road landfill. 
However, it seems that the landfill site located in a desert area 
does not have such large temperature differences, compared to 
the landfill site located in a mid-latitude area where the highest 
temperature difference can be up to 20 °C, i.e, the Trail Road 
Temperature C 
pes tos — 2000 ze — id0l EL 
Figure 10. Comparison between the LST and the Air 
Temperature for the Al-Jleeb Landfill 
PUES (OKT 1998 27.1991 1991 
Figure 11 illustrates the contour lines extracted from the LST at 
different dates). It is observed that dumping locations have 
always higher LST comparing to other surrounding areas 
regardless the season in which the images were captured. 
Generally, winter time has lower LST temperature comparing to 
summer season. This could be because of the slowdown of the 
decomposition process during winter due to the cold weather. It 
was recorded that there is an increase in the size of the areas of 
high temperature and also increase in the LST between the years 
1985 to 1990. Further investigation shows higher dumping 
activity during this period of time. It is also recorded a decrease 
in the LST during the period 1990-1991. This was mainly 
because of the Gulf war in which the dumping activities were 
significantly reduced. LST started to increase again by October 
1991 when the dumping activities increased again after the war. 
Figure 12 shows the final predicted locations of the dumping 
sites based on the contour polygon intersection of the LST of 
the site. 
I. Jan. 1985. 
Sept. 1991 | 5. Oct.1991 
Apr. 1998 | 8. May2000 | 9. Sept. 2000 

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