Full text: Technical Commission VIII (B8)

e XXXIX-B8, 2012 
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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B8, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
F. Kurz, O. Meynberg, D. Rosenbaum, S. Türmer, P. Reinartz, M. Schroeder 
German Aerospace Center, 82234 Wessling, Germany - (franz.kurz, oliver.meynberg, dominik.rosenbaum, 
sebastian.tuermer, peter.reinartz, manfred.schroeder)@dir.de 
Commission VIII, WG 1 
KEY WORDS: Hazards, Aerial optical camera, Real-time, Performance, Thematic processing, Cost 
Real-time monitoring of natural disasters, mass events, and large accidents with airborne optical sensors is an ongoing topic in 
research and development. Airborne monitoring is used as a complemental data source with the advantage of flexible data 
acquisition and higher spatial resolution compared to optical satellite data. In cases of disasters or mass events, optical high 
resolution image data received directly after acquisition are highly welcomed by security related organizations like police and rescue 
forces. Low-cost optical camera systems are suitable for real-time applications as the accuracy requirements can be lowered in return 
for faster processing times. In this paper, the performance of low-cost camera systems for real-time mapping applications is 
exemplarily evaluated based on already existing sensor systems operated at German Aerospace Center (DLR). Focus lies next to the 
geometrical and radiometric performance on the real time processing chain which includes image processors, thematic processors for 
automatic traffic extraction and automatic person tracking, data downlink to the ground station, and further processing and 
distribution on the ground. Finally, a concept for a national airborne rapid mapping service based on the low-cost hardware is 
With the rise of new airborne platforms in particular of UAVs 
there is an increasing demand for low-cost, low-weight and 
small optical camera systems. These aspects become even more 
important as the payload of these flying platforms is limited and 
end users such as police and rescue forces want to equip their 
proprietary flight squadrons at limited costs. 
Also, the possibility of real-time processing of airborne optical 
camera images in combination with high frame rates paves the 
way for innovative applications. It is possible to monitor highly 
dynamic processes like traffic (Rosenbaum, 2008, Leitloff, 
2010) or persons (Sirmacek, 2011). DSMs (Digital Surface 
Models) generated in real time (Zhu, 2010) and real-time 
orthophoto maps are a valuable data source in different 
Thus, combining the new airborne platforms and real-time 
processing capabilities, new applications in the context of 
disaster monitoring are emerging. 
There are three low-cost, real-time optical sensor units operated 
at DLR, the 3K and 3K+ camera system licensed for the DLR 
airplanes Cessna and Do228 as well as a sensor unit called 
CHICAGO integrated in a motorized DLR glider powered by a 
hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell (Coppinger, 2010). For all sensors, 
the real-time processing chain is installed aboard the aircraft, 
i.e. data can be processed directly after the acquisition and sent 
down to a ground station. A real-time georeferencing processor 
is implemented followed by thematic processors for automatic 
traffic detection and automatic person tracking. All hardware 
components are relatively cheap, except for the GPS/Inertial 
system from IGI (IGI, 2011). Thus, efforts are made to replace 
the IMU by a software solution e.g. by optical navigation 
(Kozempel, 2009), but in the proposed processing chain the 
GPS/IMU remains included to allow real-time processing. 
In chapter 2, a short overview over the hardware and software 
system is given, followed by the evaluation of the system 
performance in chapter 3 in terms of processing time and 
quality parameters of the processors. 
Chapter 4 describes the concept as well as the investment costs 
and operational costs for an airborne German wide rapid 
mapping service. Finally, the pros and cons of the proposed 
airborne monitoring service are discussed in the context of 
natural disasters. 
2.1 Hardware 
The system components used for the real time processing chain 
from the airplane to the ground station are described in (Kurz, 
2012). In the following a short summary is given. Each of the 
3K/3K+/CHICAGO systems consists of three non-metric Canon 
cameras (Fig. 1). For the 3K system the Canon EOS 1Ds Mark 
II camera with Canon lenses is used, whereas the successor 
models 3K+/CHICAGO use the CANON EOS 1Ds Mark III 
camera with Zeiss lenses. The nominal focal length for 3K/3K+ 
is 50 mm and for the CHICAGO system 35 mm in the side-look 
and 50mm in forward / backward direction. The 3K and 3K+ 
systems are mounted on a ZEISS aerial shock mount ready for 
the DLR airplanes. The main differences between 3K and 
3K+/CHICAGO are the cameras and lenses, the rest of the 
software components remain the same. The Mark III camera 
delivers 21.0 MPix compared to 16.7MPix of the Mark II 
camera. Thus, the ground sample distance (GSD) of an image 
taken from 1000 m above ground level (AGL) in nadir direction 
is 15 cm and 13 cm for the 3K and the 3K- systems, 
The on-board system consists of the optical sensors, the 
GPS/Inertial system, the processing units, and a C-band 
microwave data link with a downlink capacity of up to 54 
MBit/s depending on the distance and bandwidth (Figure 2). 

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