cond at state of
| grown manifolds
ion and area.
and 18?37"N and
id cover an area of
population of Pune
o 1991 it grew by
wth increased to
he recent census
22.6% (Census of
ining Organization
inistry of urban
largest number of
2009-10 had stated
y were growing, at
vould be living in
tructures made of
1 as wood used for
1s, galvanised iron
the most basic of
lum population is
ial resolution) was
‚The image shows
ical urban features
Cloud free Pan
the year 2006 was
o used as thematic
Census data and
city Municipal
this study.
ms in OOA is to
n of an image into
s) and the criteria
omogeneity within
ong neighbouring
as done by using
jective choice by
pol (Drágut et al.,
itives’, which lead
urther refinement
all image layers as
well as the thematic layer of road and water layer to create
meaningful segments (Teo &Chen, 2004). At the analysis
level, a classification of the generated image objects follows
and ends
in an iterative process of a knowledge-based object
enhancement and (re-) classification.
As the main aim was the image-based detection and
classification of slums (Figure 2), the first step was to
understand the human interpretation process behind visual
identification of slums and mimic these in Definiens
Developer. The introduction of knowledge in the classification
process would help to depose the difficulties of information
extraction from very high spatial resolution images. In general,
classification means to assign a number of objects to a certain
class according to the class’ description. Thereby class
description is performed by describing typical properties or
conditions the desired classes have. The objects then become
assigned (classified) according to fulfilling or not these
Multi rasolution
on Baittus | Ruleset |
„development “
Shadows | V | 1 = ]
Esfning tke
and Validation
Figure 2 Flow Chart showing the methodology
3.1 Segmentation
In order to receive image object primitives as basic processing
units, the object oriented approach to image analysis needs a
complete segmentation of an image. The term “segmentation”
means: “an operation that creates new image objects or alters
the morphology of existing image objects according to a given
criteria” (Definiens, 2010). Image segmentation methods are
split into two main domains: knowledge driven methods (top-
down) vs. data driven methods (bottom-up). In comparison, the
basic differences between both approaches are: top-down
methods usually lead to local results because they just mark
pixels or regions which meet the model description. In
contrast, bottom-up methods perform a segmentation of the
complete image. They are more grouping pixels to spatial
clusters, which meet certain criteria of homogeneity and
heterogeneity (Definiens, 2010). In the present case, both these
approaches were used in Image segmentation. ESP tool was
used to get the scale parameter as an objective choice instead
of trial and error and with scale parameter of 40, 0.5 as
shape/colour ratio and 0.5 for compact and texture ratio the
multi-resolution segmentation was done for the whole image.
All three bands (BGR) of quick bird data and the thematic
layers (roads and water bodies) were used for image
segmentation. The resulted objects were good enough to go for
3.2 Classification
Feature recognition is an essential part of object-based image
analysis. A comprehensive feature extraction methodology is
the precondition for successful work with image objects. Given
the large number of possible features for object description, it
is necessary to identify the characteristic, significant features
for object-classes of interest ( Nussbauma.S., et.a1,2008)
In the present study in order to identify the slum areas, the
following factors were considered for classification:
Y Small sized structures with high density
v Tone difference in the slum areas
v' Irregular internal street pattern
Y' Less/no vegetation/green in slum areas
Y. Areas of wastelands, such as on banks of Rivers or
Canal, along railway line and road margin were taken
as association for identification.
In Pune, the existing slum locations (Table 2, Figure 3) have
formed the basis of identification of these factors.
Location Number of
River banks 5142
Along Small streams
and canals 19670
Hill and Hill slopes 11604
Roadsides and
places Meant for 3584
Public use
Source: Environmental Status Report, 2006-2007
Table 2. Location of slums in Pune city
Figure 3. Location of Slums near canal and along the hill
The image classification in e Cognition is based on user-
defined fuzzy class descriptions of spectral, spatial and
contextual features. The classification started with assigning
image objects to roads and water bodies. In the absence of NIR
band, using thematic layer to classify the image objects as
water bodies helped to reduce the false positives as well as
further refining the rule set. Since majority of the slums are
located near the water bodies and along the road, railway line
sides, classifying these objects in turn helped to detect the
location of slums.
Classification of non-built-up area such as Shadows and
vegetation was carried out by using brightness values and