IX-B8, 2012
n results.
M-C project under
299. MODIS Land
locument (Version
:h, 2008. MOD09
Land Processes
Department of
Dakota School of
DIS Reprojection
a Shimoda, 2010.
n using MODIS
The 31th Asian
im, pp.PS01-10-1-
Fukue, 2011.
Remote Sensing
The 32nd Asian
_241 8-23-20-1-5.
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B8, 2012
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia
Sreenivasulu Vemu, Udaya Bhaskar Pinnamaneni
Department of Civil Engineering, INT University, Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh, India-533003
vemusree @ gmail.com
Commission VIII/8: Land
KEYWORDS: Soil Erosion, USLE, Sediment yield, GIS, Remote sensing.
Soil erosion is the greatest destroyer of land resources in Indravati catchment. It carries the highest amount of sediment compared to
other catchment in India. This catchment spreading an area of 41,285 square km is drained by river Indravati, which is one of the
northern tributaries of the river Godavari in its lower reach. In the present study, USLE is used to estimate sediment yield at the
outlet of river Indravati catchment. Both magnitude and spatial distribution of potential soil erosion in the catchment is determined.
From the model output predictions, it is found that average erosion rate predicted is 18.00 tons/ha/year and sediment yield at the out
let of the catchment is 22.31 Million tons per year. The predicted sediment yield verified with the observed data. The Indravathi
basin is divided into 424 sub-watersheds and prioritization of all 424 sub-watersheds is carried out according to soil loss intensity for
soil conservation purpose. Generated soil loss map will be useful to soil conservationist and decision makers for watershed
management. Overall 19.71 % of the area is undergoing high erosion rates which are a major contributor to the sediment yield
(78.04 %) in the catchment. This area represents high-priority area for management in order to reduce soil losses, which are mostly
found in upstream of the catchment. It is indicated that the areas of high soil erosion can be accounted for in terms of steep unstable
terrain, and the occurrence of highly erodible soils and low vegetation cover.
Land degradation due to water erosion and deterioration of
water quality by point source and non-point source are some of
the main problems in most of the watersheds in India. In
addition to losses of soil, many other problems are created by
soil erosion: siltation of reservoirs, canals and rivers;
deposition of unfertile material on cultivated lands; harmful
effects on water-supply, fishing, power generation; and
destruction of fertile agricultural land. According to Ministry of
Irrigation in India, as much as 175 Mha ie. 53 % of
geographical area is subjected to serious environmental
degradation. Nearly 60 % of the cultural area is suffering from
the effects of erosion, taking the toll of the land at the rate of 5
to 7 Mha each year (Balakrishna, 1986). Study on global soil
loss has indicated that soil loss rate in the U.S. is 16 t/ha/yr, in
Europe it ranges between 10 — 20 t/ha/yr, while in Asia, Africa
and South America, between 20 and 40 t/ha/yr (Pimentel et. al.,
In assessing soil erosion, researchers always confront with the
problem of selecting the appropriate model to use in a given
area (Meijerink and Lieshout 1996). It is always important to
adopt a suitable model that can be applied to the critical
conditions of an area (Chisci and Morgan 1988). Some models
are area-specific and may not perform well in other areas, since
they are designed with a specific application in mind (Shrestha
2000). Therefore, selection of a proper model suitable for an
area should be the first step in erosion modeling. Numerous soil
erosion models have been developed over the past 50 years,
globally. All the erosion models are developed by taking the
existing models into consideration. In a few instances, many
significant components of existing models are incorporated to
new models. The new model may be adapted to fit other
application or to take advantage of new technologies. In either
case the refinement of older models and the formulation of new
models rely on the foundational physical process of soil erosion
and the historical development of modeling efforts.
The Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE), in its original and
modified forms, is the most widely used model to estimate soil
loss from watersheds (Rao et al, 1994). That the various
parameters of USLE can be derived from rainfall distribution,
soil characteristics, topographic parameters, vegetative cover
and information on conservation support (erosion control)
practice are often available in the form of maps or can be
mapped through collection of data from possible sources. Due
to geographic nature of these factors USLE can easily be
modeled into GIS (Jain 1994). The USLE model applications in
the grid environment with GIS would allow us to analyze soil
erosion in much more detail since the process has a spatially
distributed character (Ashish Pandey et al. 2007). The GIS and
Remote Sensing (RS) provide spatial input data to the model,
while the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) can be used to
predict the sediment yield from the watershed.
In the present study, USLE is used to estimate potential soil
erosion from Indravati catchment. Both magnitude and spatial
distribution of potential soil erosion in the catchment is
determined. An ArcGIS package is used in developing digital
data and another GIS package Integrated Land and Water
Information Systems (ILWIS) is used for processing remote
sensing data. ILWIS is also used in spatial data analysis to
determine magnitude and spatial distribution of potential soil