was used to help locate it in the bathymetric data and the
probable location of the transect line was determined by
measuring a 50+5-meter distance from the reference coral. An
XYZ format of the distribution points was exported and
converted to elevation by inverting the depth values simply by
multiplying each value with -1. A polygon was created to clip
the bathymetric data points, which were then interpolated to
raster using Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW). Neighborhood
statistics (mean) using a circular neighborhood with different
radiuses was applied to determine the mean value of pixels at a
certain radius (1m, 7m, etc.). The neighborhood statistic results
were subtracted from the original interpolation to determine the
relative elevation, which were most probably corals if these
areas are higher than its surroundings
Pre-processing of underwater videos. The underwater video
used had good resolution and water clarity to sufficiently
recognize features of organisms. This video was cut into
snapshots, which had to have overlapping areas in order to
reference one image to another. Four approaches for
registration and georeferencing were applied to the photos and
were the following: (1) sequential image registration, (2)
control images to bathymetric data, (3) control images to tape
distance and (4) uncontrolled mosaic to bathymetric data. The
first three approaches resulted to extremely warped images and
mosaics, since the video did not have corrections for pitch, roll
and yaw, thus the fourth approach (uncontrolled mosaic to
bathymetric data) was used for this research. Due to this
difficulty with image registration and georeferencing, the
snapshots were manually ‘stitched’ together in Adobe
Photoshop instead, to create a photo-mosaic, which was an
alternative in order to obtain a dataset with better resolution and
water clarity (Hill & Wilkinson, 2004). The snapshots used
were those that were most parallel to the seafloor in order to get
the most upright views of the features. Each photo was
subjectively scaled and adjusted to fit with the first image used.
Since no georeferencing was applied, mosaicking in ENVI 4.3
and ArcGIS 9.3 cannot be accomplished, thus, it was done
instead in Adobe Photoshop. Auto blend was applied to the
uncontrolled photo-mosaic to eliminate the lines made by the
boundaries of each snapshot. Finally, linear stretching was
applied using ENVI 4.3. The processes that were applied and
used on the snapshots were done in order to end up with a
photo mosaic that may not be accurately made but was useful
for classification purposes.
Georeferencing. The locations of the corals in the relative
bathymetry were determined based on its similarity with
features present in the mosaicked photos of the transected area.
Higher values represented the elevated features, which
suggested that these were the corals, while lower values
represented non-elevated features (most probably sand or
rubble). Since the bathymetric data from the MBES had correct
geographic location, the uncontrolled mosaic was then
georeferenced based on it, to give the mosaic scale and rotation
corrections. 33 control points, used to georeference the mosaic
to the relative bathymetry, were evenly spread out through the
entire photo gaining a root-mean-square error (RMSE) of
Masking: Before the georeferenced mosaic could finally be
used for classification, a mask for the area outside the said
image was built and applied on the mosaic such that areas that
were not useful had a value of zero in order to remove the
unnecessary parts of the photo during classification.
Pixel-based image classification: Four classifications were
used on the unstretched and linear stretched mosaic, namely:
supervised classification, unsupervised classification,
unsupervised with supervised classification (also known as
hybrid classification in remote sensing (Richards & Jia, 2006))
and OBIA. The supervised classification requires training
pixels that have known spectral values and class. There are
multiple algorithms under supervised classification (Richards &
Jia, 2006) but the algorithm used in this research was the
Maximum Likelihood where regions of interest (ROIs) were
manually chosen and were used as training pixels to guide the
algorithm in its classification. Five ROI classes were used and
were the following: dark sand, light sand, dark coral, light coral
and rubble. Two training classes were assigned for sand due to
the lighting condition and shadows though linear stretching was
somehow able to compensate for the attenuation by the water
column. The spectral separability between chosen pairs of ROI
for a given file was calculated using the Compute ROI
Separability option of ENVI 4.3. The values ranged from 0 to
2.0, which indicate how statistically separate an ROI pair was.
ROI pairs with pair separation values greater than 1.9 had good
separability while those having values below 1 had very poor
separability (ENVI User’s Guide). Due to the very poor
separability between rubble and dark sand (~0.1823), maximum
likelihood was ran again using only 4 ROIs, excluding rubble to
maintain a high pair separation.
Unsupervised classification determines classes purely on the
spectral differences of features. The iterative self-organizing
data analysis (ISODATA) computes for the class means, which
are evenly distributed in the data space. It then clusters
iteratively the rest of the pixels using minimum distance
techniques (Richards & Jia, 2006). ISODATA was used on
both mosaics, where it was programmed to produce 4 to 5
classes with five iterations. Combining of classes was applied
in order to get 3 classes only.
Hybrid classification is the combination of unsupervised and
supervised classifications (Richards & Jia, 2006) and was done
to further explore which method would yield the highest
accuracy. This was accomplished by creating a 5-iteration
ISODATA classification set to produce 20 to 40 classes. The
resulting 40 classes were then manually combined to form a
classification map with three classes.
Classification using object-based image analysis: The last
classification, object-based image analysis, was done using the
software eCognition 8.7 by Definiens &. The developed rule set
was done through a Process Tree and had 4 general processes:
image segmentation, classification, refining of classification
and exportation. “Multi-resolution segmentation” was chosen
as the method for image segmentation because the objects of
interest in an image appear on different scales at the same time
(Baatz & Schápe, 2000). Segmentation settings and
composition of homogeneity are all defined by the user and
were replicated from eCognition Webinar, except for the scale
parameter, which is an adjustable quantity that may be modified
to meet the criteria for adaptability. In eCognition, the scale
parameter is a measure of homogeneity and as it increases, the
algorithm allows more merges and in turn, also lets the region
become larger (Zhang & Maxwell, 2006). The image objects,
produced during the image segmentation process were initially
unclassified and went through the rule set for classification and
refining of classification. The classification used spectral
conditions (mean of blue and green bands) to remove the black
boundary surrounding the image. It also used multiple spectral
conditions (mean and standard deviation of different bands) to
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